Complete Ownership of Self
Complete Ownership of Self
Hello fellow light being somehow miraculously in a human body,
Here's what's been passing through...
The more we work to fine tune our awareness and channel that through our lives, the clearer we get about what is or is not in alignment. As we follow what is truly in alignment, we do some life pruning to clear what was created from or acted upon from a false Self and distortion as the origin point.
The need to be liked, accepted, loved, and to feel safe are tribal human needs. Often times I've sacrificed the truth of who I am in order to be part of some sort of collective experience only to wind up feeling more repressed, frustrated, and depressed. The truest parts of who we are will be unique and will not be mirrored in the world around us because the authentic expression of our soul is unique. This, in my opinion, is why we are all in different bodies... to experience consciousness differently through unique lived experience. When we don't understand this, we will continually diminish parts of who we are to settle for a false sense of belonging where we don't get to claim all of us.
The main theme coming up in my private sessions lately for people is the feeling of aloneness when letting go of what is not in alignment. When we no longer self abandon or self sacrifice in order to be part of something, our entire paradigm and reality shifts. There are things we no longer participate in because they would require us to shrink in order to engage. There are people we let go of because we realize that certain relationships were dependent on patterning or programming where we have to play a certain role in order to stay in dialogue.
If we play by the rules, roles, and ways of being for false sense of safety, for validation (distorted love), for fear of being alone, etc essentially we will still experience the root of that wounding in whatever situations we find our selves in our lives. What you put into is is what you get out of it, with everything. If a relationship is based on fear of aloneness, fear will still be present until that is addressed. If earning more money is based on not feeling safe within oneself/survival wounding, the money might come but the underlying current of not feeling truly secure in Self will still be present. If sharing/teaching/posting/creating etc is coming from needing to be validated on any level (work, appearance, experience, etc) that will still be present no matter how many people compliment you, follow you, like you or don't like you, etc
My work, Scorpio is all up in my 4th house, centers around breaking down conditioning that we picked up from society, upbringing, collective consciousness that takes us farther and farther away from who we truly are. Usually what we are longing for from the external is a deeper understanding, experience, acceptance, remembering, and love of the Self. It is not that we don't need community or relationships, it is just beginning to ask what the source is where relating from with all things. If the origin point of relating is seeking love from another that we can't or are unwilling in our Self - we won't really be able to relate or engage with another freely because the primary point of engagement is our own wounding/distortion/programming etc. If the origin point of relating is needing validation within a group/online or wherever, we will outsource and potentially look to anyone (even strangers) to prove that we are worthy, without ever acknowledging that our worth was never up for discussion to begin with and it is inherent.
As we clear false origin points from our own operating system and redirect the energy to who we are authentically, things naturally fall away that are no longer in alignment with the truth of who we are. As this is happening, the capacity is being built to a new frequency that will call in people, relationships, circumstances, etc that are in alignment with the truth of the Self that we are actualizing. The recalibration period is the hardest because it is where we fortify our own inner resolve to continue forward so that we can have more of our Self on the other side.
We start to build love for truest parts of Self - the quirks, the perceived "foibles", the ways we move that no one else does. Through many initiations over the years, I've fallen deeply in love with my Self and the fact that I move in a different direction than most of the herd. I love how I get awkward in large social settings because I'm aware that I can sense the energy of everyone in the room. I like the weird rituals I do by my Self on Friday nights while I dance around my living room naked singing Nina Simone. I laugh to my Self at the ways I try to articulate an answer to "how are you" in a way that feels honest. I think it's funny that most days I'm getting more downloads than I know what to do with. I like the fact that I've built a magnetic field for myself that protects me from what isn't truly aligned with my Soul. I like that I say no to most things and choose not to participate in things that don't light me up.
I'm not saying this from a place of ego, but from a place of what used to be a lot of self hatred, deep depression, confusion, and sadness about what was wrong with me. What I've come to realize.... is nothing is - I'm perfectly "right". We all are. It's taken some time, but the more I learned to honor the parts of me that want to be called forward, regardless of how the external will shift because of that, the more I feel at peace with the Self at the end of the day. I, of course, have more remembering and reclaiming to do always, but I have travelled the spiral enough times to see that I get to have more of me on the other side of it. This has shifted my relationships, my work, my state of abundance/currency flow - it's shifted everything. I think I used to target areas certain areas of my life (I need more money, I want a partner, xyz, etc) and I would get so caught up in it - as if things happened in isolation. What I've been learning for several years now, is an organic evolution of the Self will bring what's truly aligned for the moment - and that's really all I truly want anyways....more of the Self to experience and engage with the world. I'm not fixated on anything anymore. If there is any focal point, it is simply doing the necessary work in the moment where life is asking me to evolve. I say yes to every initiation and consciousness evolution request now, because I know what's on the other side of it.
I am grateful to my Self for showing up when she felt alone. I am grateful to this Self who had the hard conversations, who created when no one was cheering her on, and who honored her need to move the beat of her own drum. I have more abundance in all the truest forms in my life currently than I could have ever really imagined was possible for my Self. I am excited to continue the journey as the most authentic expression of my Self in this life. I am honored that this is what I get to hold space for day in and day out - the sacred remembering. A collective of empowered individuals who know who they are at the deepest level is usually the vision I wake up to in the morning and go to bed to in the evening. I know the power of this because I lived and continue to live it. I'm in love with the who I am now, and I am so excited to see all the parts of me that still want to be remembered going forward.
I love you all and thanks for reading,
Special thanks to all those who have encouraged me in ways that were not necessarily obvious but truly felt along the way.
Thank you,
Things that have been engaging for me:
Everything in this video speaks to what I've been realizing and working through currently.
Taking back our sovereignty talk with Guru Jagat
“Instead of trying to get others to change, to take a different path, or to see the suffering they were living in, I acknowledged who they were—and I changed the way I related to their not changing.”
"The Origins of You" by Vienna Pharaon
Kundalini to crack my own algorithm and free my mind, Water to remember adaptability, Exhale to remember that I can let go of anything as a way to access freedom in the moment, limiting time with technology to free up time/energy/resources to create beautiful things, painting with my hands, the friendships in my life that are based on reciprocity and amplification of truth
hello summer, hello heart, hello humanity
hello summer, hello heart, hello humanity
Hello beautiful community. Here's what humanness has felt like for me lately, I like it here.
summer came on strong and I fell love with everything all over again
I needed to not be anything to anyone but myself for a moment. I needed to be the wind. I’ve always needed to be the wind.
and life slowly became more meaningful not because anyone liked me or loved me but because i began to feel it wholly as my own
I found my heart ripening and love came freely & it felt honest for the first time
the distortion had somehow slipped away and all that was left was the joy of becoming
there are wrinkles under my eyes that weren’t there before. I like them.
the soul and heart are eternal, so time means nothing
there are many ways to live this life
and Im not attached to any of them
I am the enigma the mystery the anomaly. I belong everywhere and nowhere at all.
The feeling of thank you is the pulse from which my life births itself.
Generosity of the spirit is a creative act which actualizes itself freely when one knows their own heart.
I’m tired of words - I’m only into feelings, the wind, and wildflowers now. I love you can be communicated in many ways. The words diminish true listening & I don’t want them anymore.
I wanted to live a life where everything that matters rinsed through me and became me
the end, the beginning, and everywhere in between forever more. I like it here.
And somehow summer and the heart realized itself and the ripening took its' hold in the places my life needed it the most. I've been feeling called to slow down, inhabit the heart, and connect back to physical touch as a necessity over the past several months. As the future of the collective goes deeper into technology, AI, stimulation, simulation, and screens what is essential to humanity has become more and more pressing to me on an individual level. The heart cannot be replaced by AI. Physical human touch cannot be computer generated. Profound intimacy and human connection is irreplaceable.
What cannot be technologically cloned is the human spirit and our humanity. It has felt individually very pressing to work through what is getting in the way of embodying the heart, but I am realizing this to be a collective calling to combat the future of technology. If we do not recognize our humanness we will be dictated by machines as is already apparent from our relationship with social media, our phones, and our addiction to screens. This is not going away - it's either we claim our humanity or we will be run by the machines that are getting more and more advanced each and every day. The amount of money spent in trying to steal our attention and disempower the system is quite astonishing, in order to stay intimately in touch with our humanness, we need the highest technology of our hearts, spirit, physical touch, nature, and all that we are as HUMAN to be full, inhabited, and claimed.
Anywhere we are not embodied, we can be manipulated. I'm not interested in being manipulated. I want my humanity more than any externalized goal of anything. I want my soul more than I want to be a part of a collective agreement of unconsciousness. I am not ruled by technology and my attention cannot be bought with any sort of corrupted power plays. I'm not into cheap tactics, I'm into truth. I am a human, I have a heart, this is all that matters.
Mental sovereignty is not a lofty interesting idea, it's a necessity to navigate the current realities consciously and with awake awareness. Embodiment and being in our bodies is essential in order to process the amount of stimulation being thrown at us so that it doesn't run us entirely. I have no intention of becoming a machine, but every intention of becoming more human. The future is ultimately unknown, but with its' current trajectory - I am adamant about claiming my soul and what makes me a living breathing being. Run your system or the system runs you. Claim your heart or live from the programmed mind for the rest of life.
I like to think that if what I'm creating continuously transcends the consciousness of the system I'm creating it in, the system is no longer an appropriate model for it but an appropriate model will have to arise because there's enough energy behind it. I do think it's possible to thrive in one's own system in one's own way because it's hopeful for the human spirit. The hope is the fuel, it's the momentum of energy. I truly do believe that. We are all leaders even if it hasn't been actualized yet. Claim your system.
I debated whether or not to send this, as always there's a layer of intensity to my words and work. But I do think remembering who we are as HUMANS and embodying our soul is urgent in a way. The soul has already started to become a lost language, and we are working against people with a lot of "power", "money", and resources that we must shift into a higher state of consciousness in order to navigate wisely and with agency. Let's not miss the human in the human journey.
Do with this, and all things, what you will
Thanks for reading!!
Things that have been engaging for me:
Song: "If I had a little love" by majestic arrows
Book: "The myth of normal" by Gabor mate
Other: Rocks as grounding, tree spirits as divine communication, wildflowers that teach me love as the highest currency, Mazzy (pup) licking my face every morning, how sunlight dances on my walls differently each day
Hello beautiful community,
I don't have too many "intro words", just that it's nice to be here with you all in this life journey. Thank you for reading, thank you for being, and thank you for the ways each of you show up from the heart that affect the cosmic web of it all.
Becoming is a non-elegant process. I was an always have been a divine mess. I believe the human experience is a journey of not-knowing, stumbling, arriving, and learning more through it all. The over saturation of a society based on performance, curated lives, and the illusion of linearity has seeped into the consciousness and stolen our birthright of this beautifully chaotic journey of growth.
The voice of the soul is often lost amongst appearances. The heartbeat of spirit has become branded and morphed into oblivion. I'm saying this not with a heavy heart, but more with an understanding of the demand from my system which longs to remember the truth. It seems radical self ownership and authenticity in the truest sense comes from persistence in what, most of the time, I can't see mirrored in the world around me.
There are things that are bred into us without us having say in it all, until we either 1) choose to break down everything we've ever saw modeled or witnessed in order to belong to our Self again or 2) choose to stay unconscious to the fact that the life that has been shown to us was programmed by a system void of spirit and soul. I get wanting to go to sleep because breaking down everything we've known in order to know truth, seems like a bit of a rough route (and it is, and it still is, I've been in the game for a minute, and will probably be in the game for the rest of my life). But what's the alternative? Never truly belonging to oneself? Living by beliefs that were not ours to begin with?
The people I respect most deeply in this life are the ones that are speaking the voice of the soul - however that looks or manifests externally. The people I seek to learn from are the one's that are showing up boldly on behalf of an honest individual and collective becoming. If the society is continually curating, contorting, molding, manipulating, and programming based on the current collective consciousness - we have to decide how much we are going to play along with that. It is this conscious choice to not follow the herd, if it is not alignment with your soul, that will lead to the love/freedom (whatever it is we seek) in our lives.
I believe we all have the ways we "follow the herd" and usually the ways that have been most conditioned in by our lived experience are the hardest components of the algorithm to break.
Example: If what I say is outside of the mainstream collective frequency, I may not be accepted/validated/part of the tribe if I say it. So I won't say it. (Obviously been working on that one for a minute.)
But the thing that happens if I say it, is I get to have my voice, I get to live into my being a bit more fully. The alternative is repression which manifests as distortion in my life - physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, spiritually... all of it. So most days my voice comes out like a kinked hose finding its' steady stream once again - I get to have my voice - that has and has always been the reward. It is "messy"according to the collective maybe, it is a beautiful journey of remember to me. I'd rather have my voice than not be "messy."
No matter what we accrue externally it will not buy us the love/freedom/peace we do or do not feel when we are alone by ourselves.What parts of you are not claimed by you? Who has claim to them? Why? Empowerment is in the reclamation. Belonging to the distortion of the collective psyche is a form of pseudo belonging. How can we belong to something/anything when we don't know what it means to belong to ourselves?
I completely understand there are layers to this. I want to see if I can create a whole life (externalization and all) that is based on truly belonging to my Self and my Soul. I understand that I am fortunate in the attempt and that this is not always accessible. But.... I do believe we can claim our own body, our own voice, our own breath, our own mind, our own soul, and our own spirit. I do believe we can claim how we show up to the moment every moment. The spirit and soul can be present and come back online within any external moment. Master is the one who is able to fully claim themselves in any moment in any circumstance.
To not fall prey to the false, simply because it appears easier.
To not fall prey to the false, simply because one can't be with oneself.
To no fall prey to the false, simply because one doesn't know who they are without it.
To no fall prey to the false, simply for a distorted form of love, acceptance, validation, or belonging
(false as whatever you perceive it to be within your own system)
In order to shift our own algorithm we have to access higher fields of consciousness. Now my system can access and feel when something/someone has moved beyond the current collective algorithm.It is a recognition of sorts - "I see that you are no longer showing up with the current operating system, I see and feel the soul in you which is beyond any operating system." It is an attunement to one's own rythymn and a remembering of what's always been. My system is in a continual shedding of the false in order to recognize itself and I'm not mad about it; however, there's quite a bit to shed. This makes me excited for the amount I still have yet to reclaim. They go hand in hand.
I'm not an expert or master or anything of the sort, nor do I long to be. I don't think I'm right and I'm not trying to be. I am simply one who wishes to speak honestly about what is. I am simply one who wants to remember why it all matters. I am simply one who wishes to belong to herself entirely and from that origin point belong to the world. I wish only to normalize that the breaking down of the false is a messy, confusing, and sometimes lonely process. Truth has and continues to teach me that when I show up for the process, knowing it's all a process, I get to have Self, Soul, and Spirit back. Truth has shown me that then I get to engage with life from this place. It all has become more beautiful because of this. I am still and forever more, a divine mess - but I don't mind it anymore. I like my mess and I don't need anyone to validate me in that or anything else for that matter. I no longer have the chain of needing to belong to what I never wanted to be a part of, but I do have the golden thread of belonging in a way that feels truer and more connective to my being. I am grateful for all of those who normalize the journey of becoming and show up boldly from the Soul - you have shown me the way. I am feeling my Self & Soul to be the true home I have always been seeking. If you're looking to reach me, that home is where I'll be... and I don't plan on leaving. Homebody indeed. (;
Wishing you moments of soul fishing and catching,
Thank you for reading,
Deeper Sense of Spaciousness
Deeper Sense of Spaciousness
I'm not afraid of the woman I am anymore
Wildly untamed,
I am a woman who recognizes herself
We are meant to be a bit feral, undomesticated, and instinctive in our nature. The more we tune into the organic flow of our beings and the truth of who we are, the more following systems that are not of our own making becomes less appealing.
Who said I have to show up this way? Who said this is how a woman is supposed to be? Who said I can't be an artist, teacher, hermit, priestess, writer, etc etc all in one lifetime? All in one moment? Who said I need to identify as anything at all? We can call out the ways in which we have been shaped and contained by the world around us, yet somehow we don't free ourselves in the small ways - once we know we can. Why is this? In a moment where I have nothing to do, I am searching for something to do rather than softening into the vastness of all that is. In a moment where I can create anything at all, I'm reaching for someone to tell me what to do. My mind has been trained into containment, but my spirit is demanding greater wildness. So... I let spirit speak. Mind resists, spirit persists. Mind resists, spirit persists.
Because freedom and authenticity is one of my primary focal points in this lifetime, I have a strong aversion to anything or anyone that tries to contain my spirit. Isn't the physical body already containment enough? That being said, I often find that I am still the one containing myself. The aim of yoga is "moksha" or liberation. The aim of identifying and breaking down conditioning, is so that we no longer have to live by what was never our own to begin with. So why am I still following orders that feel like echos from a society that's forgotten itself? I know who I am, it's time to allow for the recognition. In a society that's forgotten itself, embodying who and all that we are is activism. We are meant to recognize and actualize ourselves. We are meant to show up boldly in or remembering. It's time.
When gaining more freedom from where I used to contract, I am needing to build a deeper capacity to be with spaciousness and the unknown. Empty space is a sacred gift because it is the closest thing to truth. Building a tolerance and eventually learning to be with Self in the nothingness brings intimacy with the everythingness. My main work is to embody this understanding currently. This is what I have been doing or shall I say nondoing.
So that's where I've been and where I'm at - nowhere and everywhere, learning how to be with the Self in a deeper bandwidth. Learning how to embrace the freedom I've worked for a long time to create. I wish to be a space holder that knows how to hold and meet Self in spaciousness. My goal is to get to the point where silence and stillness is welcomed as the most freeing and most safe experience - where the soul settles in the truth of what is. My goal is to get to the point where I can allow my Self to be the joyfully, wildly untamed and undomesticated woman that I am. Because I am and have always been her.
I share in this way to normalize an expression of the human journey. Unfiltered and honest with many twists, turns, recognitions, pivots, and lots of long sighs along the way. I hope these ramblings give permission in some way to honor the journey and the courageous spirit that is your own, that shows up... continually day in, day out trying to navigate it all.
Sending waves of softening into greater freedom and truth of the spirit,
Sending moments of ease and recognition of Self in the empty space,
I love you all,
I have been working with many of my private clients over the past several months on navigating transitional moments in their lives. The subconscious reprogramming, breathwork, and somatic private sessions have been instrumental in moving through the individual and collective changing landscapes. I have been wanting to offer a sacred container of support for those moving through an intense cycle or pivot at this moment in their lives. When we are shifting, growing, evolving, releasing, stepping into - what often needs to come forward is a. new level of stability and support systems to help us navigate it all. This might be for you if you need some structure, to build a new foundational set point, are feeling "stuck" at a point in the cycle, or are looking for a safe container to process what is coming up in your current growth stage.
This month long container will include:
-Discussion & teachings on the nature of change and honoring where you are at in the cycle of it currently
-Weekly Breathwork Sessions to process through the body
-Bi-Weekly Hypnosis, Integration, and Somatic practices session
-Weekly emails with tools, resources, and practices
-Support & answers to any questions or things that come up throughout
I will only be working with four individuals in this offering. If you need a supportive system/structure to navigate the complexities of life right now - I would love to work with you as you move through it all. Option to begin in June or July.
Recalibration: A New Set Point
Recalibration: A New Set Point
Hello beautiful community,
We are what we practice moment to moment. We build and create from the origin point we are investing in right now. As the energy has shifted over the past month, the physical system is arriving at a new foundational set point that is more sustainable. At first this recalibration might feel alarming - "nothing's working the way it used to, why does it feel so different? what do I do with this feeling?". Anytime we've had a clearing, a life transition, or a part of us has become more conscious - the way we are moving through the world must adapt accordingly. The mind will try to navigate this unknown and recalibration by making it a known and "figuring it out" in hopes to make us feel safe. The safest space to inhabit is ultimately the present moment, but in order to fully arrive, we often have to humbly let go of "what it was" in order to give rise to "where it's going."
After experiencing a huge energetic shift and release the past month, the physical realm is taking time to catch up. I realized I had been creating from a faulty foundational model for my business that still had the "doing" /3rd chakra masculine/patriarchal force behind it. I was outputting more than inputting, I was creating at a pace that wasn't sustainable for my body. I was holding so much space, but neglecting the space I needed to be held in. Part of the reason I wanted to create PROCESS STUDIO was to break down the old - the conditioning of Western society and models of "output", egoic power paradigms, and models that were based on quantity rather than quality or depth. Part of the reason I wanted to create this space, was seeing if I could develop a new model based on truth, integrity, intimacy, conscious relating, and a relearning of what it means to be a part of community.
Sometimes in order to keep going, we have to stop and recalibrate on where we are moving from. This feels especially true if we are playing the long game of heartfelt vision. To stay in intimate dialogue with Self through all facets of creation, while never losing the "why" throughout - is a worthy but extremely humbling aim. PROCESS STUDIO is a grand lesson in its' unfolding. It's showing me the nature of organic time, healthy relationship, and how to not force agenda that strays from its' original divine seed. I am in a forced slow down that is showing me fortification of resolve. I am in recalibration that is teaching me how to rest, surrender, and most importantly how to receive.
PROCESS STUDIO is unfolding my own healing journey in a way that I could have never imagined. Learning how to receive, for me, is still the grand mystery but my greatest curriculum in this life. There are some things in life that feel basic to some but a foreign language to others. If we are willing, life shows us how to be multi-lingual in the art of being. It shows us how to speak fluently in ways that we never witnessed, saw modeled, or experienced - this way we get learn how to embody all the facets of existence. We get the full experience of being a human when we admit that we are not so well versed in certain areas but that we are teachable. We get the full experience of being human when we are always eager to learn the lesson presenting itself, sometimes always unpredictably, in the now.
What I'm realizing creates the most stress on my body is resistance to what is. "I want to be going faster", "It's not going the way I expected", "Why isn't it working the way I planned it to work?" The student of life surrenders to the process with full-hearted willingness. My body is tired - this must mean I am doing too much and need to rest. I need support - this must mean I need to learn how to ask for it and allow it. I don't know what to do or how to proceed - this must mean I need to soften, listen, and cultivate patience until life presents the next step.
The collective consciousness functions primarily from distorted forms of the lower three chakras which are very primal in their nature- survival, sex/money, and power. If the source of what I am creating is coming from the spirit, the heart, and connection to my own intuition - my journey of fortification will happen there. It will require shedding false imprints/conditioning around origin points that I don't resonate with. It will require opening/clearing what lies stagnant in the heart. It will require building a deeper trust with my intuition/source and staying connected to that. If I declare the intent from where I wish to be creating from - life will hold me to it as it has over the past few months.
I would like to be able to perceive all of this as rewarding but it is challenging when that is not always mirrored back by the society I am a part of. I am here to continue to affirm that it is indeed part of the organic cycle of it all, part of the healing process of creating a healing "business". I am learning so much about how to receive, conscious relating, and being supported by the community that I am supporting - this is a many lifetimes lesson for me, for which I am grateful. I am in awe that what I am building to heal is ultimately healing me. Even if the "pacing" feels like molasses or I am constantly confronted with Self and integrity every step of the way - what I've witnessed being cultivated within my Self and in the space has already made it all worth it.
I am in a slowing down and recalibration moment which always happens before I'm about to birth something new. I am working to give my Self permission to hold this spaciousness without guilt or pressure to externalize from a false origin point. I am clearing and fortifying my heart, throat, third eye, and crown to move from a space of higher resolve that will be infused in the consciousness of what I create.
I'm sharing all of this in hopes that it gives permission to anyone who feels the same. Maybe you're in a space of uncertainty or new ground that requires a new way of being. Maybe you just don't know what or how to move because you're supposed to be the creator of something new. Maybe it's just reassurance in some way that we are all human and that everything organic and honest takes time in its cultivation and ripening. It is revolutionary to honor the journey of what is. It is revolutionary to not contort life into forms of distortion that lose the sacredness of truth. Thank you for your willingness to honor life as it is it.
Sending so much love to you on journey,
Let it be human
Let it be human
Hello human being,
We are in the thick of eclipse season and every one I know is moving through a new beginning, an ending, a transition, a release, a calling forward, or any of the myriad of shades in between. I've personally been feeling a need for deep compassion with the Self who is going through the journey and trying to figure out how to navigate it all. It's been a bit of a messy, very very human, and humbling time. I hope that wherever you are at on your journey you allow your Self to be messy in your discovery of how to evolve. I hope we can all hold each other through the lens of understanding that everyone is moving through something. The more compassion we are able to have with our own complexities, the more we are able to hold that space for others. Whatever you're navigating, wishing you patience with Self and the willingness to journey through the thick of it as a portal to deeper understanding and greater embodiment.
"Eclipses can be intimidating for sure, but this typically stems from our fear of the unknown. Astrologically, they are considered powerful catalysts for change—both individually and at a collective level—as they usher in powerful new beginnings that could sometimes feel too abrupt for our liking. Nevertheless, their spiritual influence is equivalent to divine intervention because these “disruptions” and unexpected shakeups propel us toward our destiny in the long run." -Valerie Mesa
Our practice ultimately sensitizes us to our humanity. The more we clarify our system, the more sensitive we become to the individual and collective shifts, however subtle they may be. Ultimately this can be a blessing if we are able to resource, anchor, ground, and use the "tools"/"practice" to stabilize ourselves amidst great change. The attuning to subtlety means that we will constantly be feeling the planetary shifts, the weather of life, the energy of the moment, and really everything on the micro/macro level. If we are truly here we will be conscious always of what parts of us are currently shedding just as we will be able to feel what parts of us are being called forward. It is brave to say yes to the unknown that is all of life. When we practice saying yes to it and ourselves in this moment, we will build the capacity to say yes to it in the greater context of our lives. In this becoming soup of a process, it is necessary to inhabit our body and tether ourselves by remaining centered - especially when periods of "intensity" (ex: eclipse energy) reminds us that finding and fortifying center within, is and was always the only solid ground. This is where "our practice" becomes the practice of life. In essence, this is what we have been practicing for - to be able to handle it all when it gets reallllllll soupyyyyy.
When the energy is complex, when we are transitioning, when we are letting go, when we are reckoning, when we are evolving - this is the most crucial moment to embody and remember what we practice. Life is an ever evolving earth school that is ultimately a rewarding journey if we can stay centered as we handle the lessons and evolutionary asks of now.
It is a gift, even if it doesn't feel like it some days, to be able to move with the tides of the planet/the cosmos, and the expansion of consciousness. It means we are tuned in to what is and are willing to say yes to it. It helps if have been practicing orienting, grounding, and fortifying our resolve to expand beyond the comfort/previous iteration of ourselves. So if you are feeling the eclipse portal, the unknown, or the shed before stepping in to inhabiting more of your Self - I hope you are able to remember your own strength and the capacity you've built to navigate it all. With the macro understanding that we are all part of this becoming (expansion of consciousness), there can be a joy in taking part of this collective story & narrative thread. There can be a reassurance that what feels so intimate, intense, or personal is actually just reminding us that we are cosmically linked and that it's actually not as personal as we might perceive it to be.
Some questions to ponder during eclipse season:
What is currently leaving/ending (ways of being, relationships, beliefs, etc) in my life?
What is currently being called forward/beginning or being asked of me?
What are the practices, tools, resources, and support I currently need during this time to help me navigate it?
How do I relate to myself amongst change and transition? How would I like to relate to myself?
So to the sensitivity to my own humanity, I say yes. To the messy soup of becoming, I say yes. To navigating it to the best of my ability while learning more of how to do that along the way, I say yes.
I've been repeating this quote by Maya Angelou for the past week, "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." We are all here to learn and evolve - there is no getting right, it's just evolving and learning as we go. "Doing better" once we learn how by inhabiting our lives and being willing to go through the journey, especially on the days when it feels messy. Here's to the process, may we be continually willing to be in it with ourselves and all that we are a part of. Here's to the courage of the spirit to keep showing up, even and especially when we don't exactly know how. Here's to being human.
Take care of the heart that feels and reminds us that we are alive,
Embodiment is Radical
Embodiment is Radical
Hello beautiful community,
Sending you all the fortitude, joy, courage, and tenacity as we integrate the new energy of Spring. Although nebulous, airy, flighty, and spirally at time - I have faith in the fortitude of the practice to provide a solid ground for the Self to step forward in its' allness and its' muchness. May we remember that being who we are is an act of love and that actualizing who we are is radical. Take care of the Self that's just trying to figure out how to navigate it all.
Sending whatever it is that would best serve your now & of course love, in its' truest form, your way
At this point being embodied is a revolutionary act.Radical embodiment is the future. Embodiment is not theoretical. Direct experience is the great teacher. We are in human vessels to actualize and materialize. Ideas are weightless until we give them weight by living them through our lives. We become the idea, the theory, the great metaphor that initially was just a seed. This is gift. It also is a process of learning that requires a deep enough connection to the original seed to see it all the way through.It takes a lot of energy to actualize so planting seeds that are lasting/impressionable to the soul is a necessity to see through the whole cycle of becoming. If we’re not here to be the living breathing vehicle of what we value and care about, what are we even doing?
Every idea, theory, or concept came from someone's embodiment of it. The resonance with any idea speaks to what wants to be called forward and moved within our being. Life is not conceptual, it is a breathing organism of a myriad of forces interacting with one another all in a moment. Every moment. Our speculation and percolation with ideas is an integrative process that is shifting energy within our being to be in order to be in a different state of consciousness so the energy can be materialize in a new way through us.
If we are only filled with ideas - there will be felt distance between the body and mind. How can we let our concepts conceptualize and create us? How can we move the spark of resonance through our whole human form? How can we embody it on every level to find the truest form of understanding? The discrepancy between what we know to be true and living that truth into form will be experienced as tension. What is alignment if not every part of the Self honoring and being breathed from truth?
Bringing something to fruition by processing it through the whole system takes time, but ultimate we learn and grow through the process. If we are outputting but not learning within that externalization, a part of the cycle is missing.
"If you go to work on your goals, your goals will work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end of building us." -Jim Rohn
It is by design that new information, insight, and intent is designed to form, reform, reorganize, and integrate through us. Ideas move energy, they shift the consciousness. The completion of this shift is in the in depth understanding experienced through embodiment. There is a beauty in being built by our full engagement and participation with what moves us. Maybe this is the lost art in the truth of "doing". What is the origin point of the doing? Why do? We've lost connection to a part of the cycle, we can reclaim it.
Of course, I understand the context of what it takes to move in this current societal landscape, but I do believe there is room to reclaim the excitement of exchanging and living into the new energy of now. Whether it's through a concept, a painting, the smell of a flower, the smile of a friend - how can we allow ourselves to fully experience the new imprint as part of what it means to be in a sensory human form that can? How can we let our action be informed by these small but potent moments that are all of life? Isn't this all we truly have?
The seed of the seed was from form actualizing itself. A gift that then we get to continue the cycle and actualize new energy through its' previous actualization. To my spirit this is hopeful and expansive. Whatever is inspiring you, whatever ignites you, whatever idea you just love and love - I hope you give yourself permission to let it permeate through your totality today. I hope the thrill of being changed by the seeds that are being planted is given permission. May the felt experience of exchanging energy with all that is seep all the way through you today in the form that is most resonant. Embodiment is what it means to be human, so let's be human.
See you soon & take care,
Reclaim Spirit
Reclaim Spirit
Hello energy incarnated into human form,
Sending this with a full heart wishing you the vibrancy of Spring in your bones. I hope this reaches you with the embodied understanding that we are always supported through divine guidance (however we define that to be) and the nurturing energy of Mother Earth - the great transmuter. I am recognizing my Self to be of the Earth more and more these days, which has brought with it the understanding that I am also the great transmuter. What does this mean? I can move my own energy, I can alchemize, I can nurture, I can clear, I can send, I can create, I can destroy, I can compost etc etc... As I recognize myself as Earth - Earth has begun to reveal its' forces and power within me. I am allowing my Self to be moved and breathed by great nature ((thank you, thank you kind mother) I quite like it here.
Wishing you the reminder of your own power and a recognition of your own vastness - where and however this finds you - I hope have a moment of feeling your own magnitude.
Love you all,
Things started to happen at a certain point in my life that began to be unexplainable. Call it synchronicity or alignment, but Spirit has been steering my ship for some time now. I started to allow this in in small ways first and it's been the most consistent relationship in my life ever since. Spirit and I have been having an every lifetime love affair.
I've been hesitant in sharing my relationship with Spirit, even in these writings, because of where spirituality has gone - specifically in LA & the west - which is often anything but what I've come to realize it to be. My relationship with the divine has been cultivated in a many many years intimate dialogue that has turned into the golden thread that guides my becoming. What I know it to be had to be built over time in order for it to feel safe to start to trust and follow. It took years to break down the conditioning that made me feel like it unsafe to lean into the part of me that is actually most innate and instinctive. I see source as the through line that runs everything, my continual acknowledgment of it, gives permission to actualize itself through me for the highest possibility. I am not delusional in thinking that I am the one in charge of divine or cosmic orchestration - the universe is and has always been my "boss". I surrender to this because it has led me from the depths of depression to feeling the most my "Self" and the most aligned I've ever felt in my whole life. This has everything to do with listening to the breath that moves through me and building a commitment to that as the guiding principle I choose to live by.
I "pray" regularly to forces I don't have labels or words for. Sometimes I need something tangible - I pray to the earth - the grass beneath my feet. Sometimes I need a container for specific energies - I work with Kali Ma, the goddess of death and destruction, quite frequently. There's other times where I'm trying to accessing qualities, or aspects of consciousness, that my soul hasn't realized yet - I might travel to spaces or places that give permission to that or have the same energetic frequency I am looking to embody. Sometimes and always Great Spirit is my dog Mazzy licking my face reminding me that I might just be getting a bit too heady or serious about it all. The point being that it is all of it. It's the life of life. My relationship with spirit/source/great creator/divine is and will always be the greatest love of my life.
This relationship shifts how I experience my entire reality. Every moment, person, object, space, place becomes the vehicle that spirit is communicating to and through. I am being communicated to and I am being communicated through. I hold each moment as divine vulnerability teaching me in its' openness, leading me, and, on my resistant days, dragging me along. There's a delicate dance that spirt is teaching me lately of "surrender, soften, receive... but also recognize the truth of who and what you are" always. I am so grateful. I feel most held by the unknown forces that remind me that I am everything.
I am trying to get to the point that whether we see spirit as the wind, the person in front of us, or our higher self - restoring and repairing our relationship with the all that we are a part of is an essential element to being in human form. We do not have to go through a specific discipline to realize this (we could if we wanted to), but we could simply stare into the eyes of another and begin to restore the sacredness of spirit as we define it to be.
In my women's group last month, we did two minutes of staring into another women's eyes while sending and receiving blessings to them. The group responded on how powerful and also challenging it was - it was just two minutes. Recognizing god (truth, call it what you will) can happen in a second. All we have are these precious moments. Why do they matter? What matters? I see "god" in and as everyone and everything - when I forget this, nothing makes sense anymore. Why move? Why do anything if we forgot who we are or all that we are a part of in the process?
I am being moved and breathed every moment by spirit speaking. I am spirit speaking. By developing my own relationship for what that means and how I want that to guide my life - I have been able to integrate many of my former fragments and call them home to me. I've been able to retrieve much (there's still so much more!) of my Soul. Great creator has been the primary teacher of my life. I like to study from the source of the source.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes calls it the "rio abajo rio" - the river beneath the river - I perceive this to mean the river that runs through it all. My "goal" for this lifetime, if someone demanded me to have one, is to see and perceive that every moment. To clear whatever is getting in the way of witnessing and experiencing with all of me, the miracle that is everything. That's really where I plan on putting my attention, care, and energy for the rest of time. To me, that's all that really matters. This simple moment is an act of divine and cosmic orchestration, I don't want to miss it. Thank you to the "all that is" for showing revealing your self to and through me, I will always be grateful. I have attempted to become a humble student of your ways, I will always continue to on in my attempt. This relationship, the greatest relationship, has changed the course of my life. "Great creator, earth, god, source, higher self, etc etc etc" - thank you till the end of time. Forevermore.
Journal Prompts:
What is my relationship with Spirit/Source/Divine/Higher Self/Higher Consciousness?
Do I acknowledge and move with the understanding that I am and am part of something greater? Why? Why not?
What current conditioning/beliefs/thought forms block me from communicating or connecting to source?
Are there any judgments/associations I have around "spirituality" that may be blocking me from developing my own relationship with it?
Spirit to me means... What is my definition of spirit?
I would like my relationship with spirit to feel like? Why might it be useful or meaningful for me to build this relationship?
(The word "spirit" is meant to be used interchangeable for any word logo that resonates with your being. I know we all have different associations with everything, including words - use what resonates and moves energy in a way that's nourishing for you).
Wishing you so many moments of connection and remembering of what we are all a part of. It's such a wild and beautiful journey - this life that moves through. May we recognize the river beneath the river, the breath that breathes us and move from what moves us always and always.
Thank you for reading.
Honoring Individual & Collective Evolution
Honoring Individual & Collective Evolution
Hello humans and dear community,
I woke up this morning with some fire and passion in my heart surrounding directionality. Collectively, even if we are not conscious of it, we are currently in a recalibration, redefining, and rebuild.
Navigating the past few years has been a portal for all of us in a myriad of ways. Every single person in my life has experienced huge individual transformation/shifts internally as well as externally. If we look at who and what we are personally and societally - it's not the same as it was - and we are currently attempting to navigate that reality. How do we move forward when so much is different?
For myself, the past 3 years brought about a divorce which then led me to break down every other program that was running me that didn't feel like my own. As I shed what felt false, I remembered my Self, my soul, and my spirit again. The past 3 years have fundamentally changed me, the nature of my reality, and how I choose to engage with it. What's it been like for you? What is absolutely not the same? Has the origin point shifted? What has come to light and to the surface that demands moving differently in order to continue on?
PROCESS STUDIO was birthed through a need to create a container that was mirroring the internal paradigm shift I was feeling - the old way wasn't working anymore. I didn't want to build from the false without acknowledging that EVERYTHING is different now - I'm different now. With that in mind, I do not plan on functioning from old models to "build" something that's origin point is a new one. I'm not into "quick/more/ego driven" modes of creating and externalizing. For better (and sometimes it feels like worse) - I've broken this down in my being so I'm no longer functioning from what no longer is. Once I started to break down the old system within my system - I could see how it was showing up and manifesting in the people, places, and things around me. The whole thing unraveled within my being - which ultimately, though it didn't feel like it at the time, has "saved" my life and what I define life to be.
The PROCESS STUDIO space is taking its' time to reveal itself to me in an organic way that supports all the life it will hold. Similar to my unfolding, I am letting it unfold without attachment or too much agenda. My question is what is right/divinely aligned/honors life - that is how I "lead", "organize". "build", and "direct". My business is being cocreated by the people and community entering it showing me and teaching me what is most necessary for our individual and collective evolution now - which I see as all of us building together. I'm not into marketing something (yet) that is still revealing itself in its' intimate conversation with my Self, the space, and the community - the parts that are involved in it. I am into having that conversation established in an honest way and trust that the rest will come with time. I know some people might bring in the "fear/scarcity" paradigm here and tell me this isn't wise - but, again, I refuse to move by outdated templates that don't have the depth of truth at their core.
I am intentionally bringing facilitators in that feel grounded in their work, authenticity, and understanding that the fundamental reality of how we are moving needs to shift. I am taking my time with this as I'm not trying to bring in energy that is functioning from old models, attempting to commodify, or function solely from ego/personal gain. Again, once one has broken this down within one's own being the felt sense of when people are moving from the false is very apparent. I have no desire to bring in energy that rushes or speeds up the organic cycle - its' own, mine, the space, or the community that belongs to it. I do not engage in my life, personally or professionally, with energy that refuses to honor the sacredness of life authentically and honestly. I am very protective of my own energy and my business in this way.
I'm really into a slow build where I can understand and trust the energy behind everything that's going into it. I'm into a birthing of something where I am breaking down the old way in my Self as the new way is presenting itself. I don't feel the need to perform, compete, and or function from a "what's the next thing put it out there now" model. Moving authentically and creating honestly is the only place I'm interested in moving from. If it takes a lifetime to put out this business, but it is a business that actually honors the life of NOW, that's truly here - I would consider it a life well spent. That is where I'm functioning from, any energy that's not in agreement with that, I just don't engage with it anymore.
So this is where we are at ....a vulnerable share of the search for an unknown path forward that honors that its' fundamentally different than it used to be. The past few years I've rebuilt my entire being and person around a new origin point of truth. It has been some of the hardest and also most rewarding years in my life thus far because I am not the same person I was. This is undeniable. I refuse to let old paradigms and fear hide this reality. I am recalibrating to a path forward that is being understood and created in real time - my capacity to be with my Self and the unknown in this has been built over the past few years. I am feeling no need to rush, but I am ready for what's to come - determined in an investing in a new way that honors truth.
What the past few years have required of me to move through, shed, reveal, and understand have shifted my whole life trajectory. Remembering who I was by shedding the false is not a pretty or elegant process. It's a vulnerable movement of the the spirit/heart - which requires mourning all that was running me for the years of my life prior. It was time in solitude with my Self understanding that I forgot who I was for many years of my life. It was a being with every layer of me that hadn't gotten the attention or care that it needed.
THE PROCESS PROGRAM seed was planted during the pandemic, while I was still married, but I was feeling the energetic and collective shift. It was my greatest teacher - the birthing of this program. I had the felt bodily knowing that it was all going to be different from here on out. The work I was here to do was going to be different, I was going to be different, and my whole reality was going to shift since the energy already had. I think in these moments, if we are courageous we say "okay, it's different now - we gotta show up different" or we grasp to the old from survival wounding which will continually be triggered because the "old" isn't anymore. For me, I had to honor that it all was going to change from here on out. This program was an invitation to a rebuild and excavation that I went through my Self over the past 3 years.
I have come out on the other side of all this (even thought there will always be another side) with the truth of me. I ran the first iteration of THE PROCESS PROGRAM last year, much of it over zoom, with souls that were feeling the collective shift and needed a container to understand themselves in it. I am excited to run it with an intimate group of 5 souls this year in person who are into discovering, understanding, and calibrating to where we are at NOW. The program works into every layer of Self to not only shed the old but EMBODY the new.
It's different now, let's recalibrate to that difference. Let's not be so quick to build out of fear from outdated models and systems that are not longer resonate. So much is reorganizing that we can allow ourselves to attune to our own individual reorganization in the process.
If you are looking for a container to understand and meet the layers of Self and attune to your own personal evolutionary journey, THE PROCESS PROGRAM might be for you. This is a 3 month container of learning how to remember who and what you are NOW. There is shedding of false imprints/clearing energy on every layer to attune to embodying the new reality experienced through you. This is a sacred container of COMMITTED humans who are willing to show up and do the work, the benefit being that claiming the Self in the truest sense is the end game. I am only interested in having those that are willing to meet their depths and step forward with courage into this new reality - as that is what I have put my Self through THE PROCESS of doing in order to birth this program, PROCESS STUDIO, and everything in my life currently. My embodiment is a testament to the program I created. I have my Self, I have my Soul, and I know who I am - to me that is/was worth it all.
If this program calls to you, reach out, let's chat more to see if it's truly aligned. If you are eager to evolve and embody what that looks/feels like for the YOU now - reach out. I'm into working with people that are interested and courageous enough to get their energy behind building a new that honors life - even if the path is uncertain.
Thank you for reading this long, but felt necessarily long, message.
Here's to the new may it teach us who we are becoming,
I love you,
Own Lane Own Pace
Own Lane Own Pace
Beautiful people,
I'm having a bit of a "no bullshit" moment, or more elegantly stated, a period of piercing clarity on my direction of energy. As the end of this cycle has brought about quite a bit of pruning -the spring cleaning (subconscious, body, home/physical space, relationships, etc) is well underway. I must remember that this happens to me every year - the making way for new growth and then asking myself if I am calibrated and ready in all the ways for what is to come in. If we are sensitive to great nature - our body/spirit/being demands that we follow her. If I don't follow the organic cycle it catches up with me in a myriad of ways - points of tension, physical sickness, etc. I am grateful this particularly delicate (and so strong) body absolutely requires me to listen at this point on the journey. The next cycle is going to be a beautiful one, and for me, represents being very clear around my own energy in every element of my life. While releasing to create space for new growth is continual - working with the seasonal alchemy is a potent and fertile time to play with it. It's a lovely reminder that the pruning is for a purpose - it holds its' role in the greater context of our lives. It's a lovely time to sit with the heart and spirits' longing on what that growth will feel like in the next phase. What are the people, places, things etc of this next soul cycle? What is the layer of me that I want to connect with the external on? The clearer we get with ourselves on understanding/embodying this the more life will meet us there and we can amplify what we truly desire to be moving from. For me, it is truth and love. When I think of that, my soul gets ignited and I'm a bit more graceful/willing to move through the Spring cleaning. The origin point I'm yearning to move from is the heart (for everything - "work", relationships, etc) - so my pruning, understanding, and integrating is happening there. Where is it for you? I'm truly excited for what is to come - I can feel the energy of it - just making the space so it can drop from the ether all the way down into this embodied physical form. Where there is a lack of embodiment, that is where the "idea" or felt reality is distorted and there is unclear communication in the channel. In order for something new to come in, there has to be the space for it (physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually). So as new life comes in and sweeps the the unconscious to the surface - releasing, integration, and deeper embodiment are calling as a gift if we can learn to receive them as such.
I'm not exactly sure where my "monthly themed workshops" for PROCESS STUDIO come from. Sometimes they just drop in in a knowing way that I can't explain where or how it got there - but I just know that I must listen. The "Own Lane Own Pace - An Exploration of Organic Rhythm" workshop this Saturday may have come after seeing the words somewhere random (not random) and I didn't realize how much my psyche needed to understand the meaning of them. As we move into this next cycle, what does it mean to be in our own pace? In our own authenticity and lane? These are intrinsically linked if we are in our own lane it demands a pacing that is unique to our spirit/soul/being/current "work". If we are moving by our own pace then what we are externalizing must be a match for that.
I know we all have different life circumstances, but I do believe learning to honor and reclaim our own rhythm in the ways that we can is a necessity. I am still, after many years of practice/facilitating this "work" , learning what that even is for me. There is still the distortion of a society that prioritizes productivity and a speed that is currently destroying the earth filtering through my system - which saddens me as I have been unconsciously a part of that in many ways in this life. But the sadness acts as a catalyst and great alchemist for learning the nature of this living breathing body at its' root. As we move forward can we reclaim a rhythm that is instinctive and that honors our individual and collective humanity? As we move forward can we have an in depth understanding of the language of the body as the portal back to this?
As one can probably sense, I am into understanding the origin from which all things stem including how we move and how to make movement stem from sustainability. How can our movements honor/mirror the life we are so intimately apart of? Can we become conscious of when we are moving from an origin point that is not our own? Can we break this down into subtle "bite-sized" pieces - the moments when we are "rushing" coffee with a friend for the urgency of "doing more" or when we are not actually present for the body that may be asking us to slow down to allow more life in. These moments, to me, are everything. My greatest fear in life is never truly understanding my Self/soul and not actually being here - what are yours?
As per usual, this message has taken a windy path. But the workshop at PROCESS STUDIO this weekend is a way to offer sacred space to learn our body's signals and how to honor them. There will be a breaking down of templates that were placed upon us as far as "timing" and "how we need to show up". This is not necessarily meaning shifting every life situation - it is a relearning of our context of how we can offer ourselves more fully to the moments that we are in when we are in them. It is relearning how to play time through us - expanding and contracting - at will. We can show up authentically in any "role", "space", or "place". We can soften and surrender to being fully engaged with now. If we are in now, the most efficient use of energy is to play now. And now. and now. Let's set a template for this next phase that actually honors the truth of who we are - because why not move how we were cosmically designed to move? That seems like a grand ole time to me.
The "practicalities" of the workshop that I described above are:
-breaking down of conditioning around pace/authenticity (how we perceive we need to show up, versus how we authentically would show up)
-journaling, self inquiry, group inquiry
-reclaiming our blueprint of "pacing", "rhythm", and "individual expression" for this next cycle
-embodiment practice, hypnosis/visualization to integrate our unique blueprint
It would be a gift to have you if it calls to you! The workshop is exploratory in its' nature as to understand who we are, how we truly desire to move, and what that feels like in our body is an intimate dance that is established through curiosity and direct experience. Thank you for reading. Wishing you a day/season of life of understanding the origin point of each movement and reclaiming it as your own. I've been repeating "Claim Self, Claim the moment - move from there."
Love you all,
Life as an exploration
Life as an exploration
Hello all,
When I started writing these messages, almost 3 years ago now, it was my soul's way of attempting to reach out and communicate its' depths. The first writings, and even now, were/are often shakey attempts to understand and connect over the human experience. For some reason, even in their simplicity, the questions of "who am I? why am I here? and what am I going to do with it all?" have been the guiding forces in my life. Even in their ambiguity, there is an anchoring in the asking that soothes my soul. These unanswerable questions and I do a daily dance that allows to me engage with life in a way that is layered and nuanced - for which I am very grateful. I don't know if I am or was ever supposed to really know anything but sharing the findings from this never-ending search has led me to remarkable places within my being which has been mirrored back by the world around me.. The not knowing but longing to know and the searching, understanding I will never find, has led me to live into this particular life in pretty phenomenally interesting ways. This existence seems to be all kinds of astonishing, thrilling, agonizing, and joyful and pretty much all the things all of the time. Uncovering to cover and then uncover, unlearning to learn and then relearn....It's as if this is a life stage, where nothing is rehearsed, and the soul trips to find its' footing as the choreography is played only through the moment. Oh and the audience is the Self beyond the personal self who either applauds at everything or nothing - but it doesn't actually matter either way.
The assumption being that we are supposed to know the choreography of life leads to a stasis of the soul. Soul, who knows that tripping over feet and reorganizing to attune to the moment itself is the only way to actually do it. This metaphor has gone on a bit too long, but I am having fun with it, I think you get the gist. Life is unfigureoutable. Truth could just be defined as the moment itself. Truth is our rearranging parts that are interacting with the moment that is new, that is continually new. The moment, played through the physical vessel that is also a moment, is a beautiful thing to acknowledge and experience.
Everyone has a lot to say about how to do life right as a "system". But life isn't a system. It is organic, it is ever evolving. It is the intersectionality of the spiritual/material incarnated into human form that is trying to figure out itself constantly, but doesn't always seem to get the grander picture of it all. To continue to make knowns just because one can't be okay with "the big unknown" is ultimately, in my opinion, missing the mark. When we recognize that we are a part of and the miracle of the myriad of unexplainable forces that has brought us to this very instant - doing life "right" by a pre-established system that doesn't take into account the totality of what we are seems to be very confusing for the body, being, and spirit to try to make sense of.
This is why the "who am I? why am I here? and what am I going to do with it all?" is the best medicine for my being. I tell myself, "know the truth of your own system first Bree - have an in depth understanding of that - then decide what you want to participate in, create, or model your life after. Do the comprehensive reading on yourself first, Bree, then choose how you show up."
There have been many people in my life journey who have treated life as a logical, point a-b-c situation. My particular life has been anything but, a windy path with twists and turns that seem random but perfectly place in the rearview mirror. There have been people in my life journey that I've witnessed go through the system, but have completely ignored their own. I myself have done this at many moments and in retrospect, I would not call it living. My felt sense of being run by someone else's system is more like being vacant in a house that I forgot was my own.
The mind longs for knowns, the soul longs for exploring the unknown. This body houses the soul and responds to whether I am currently engaging with the truth of me or not. As I continual learn to honor the soul, I'm finding that as my body is getting older - my spirit is getting lighter and "younger" in its way. Ahhh to be constantly saying a full bodies yes to this adventure, to diving with heart into the great mystery - what a gift. "Who am I? Why am I here? And what am I going to do with it all" - I smile as I never tire of engaging with unanswerable questions. What a ride this is, grateful to be here with you all.
Thank you for teaching me in the ways that you do continually - the fact that I've been consistently sharing thoughts, contemplations, and words for the past 3 years is an insane thing to acknowledge but connecting over the truth of life never gets dull. Thank you for reading and wishing you a day of life escapades and engagement with what is in the moment that is you.
Take care in every way,
A clear signal
Hello lovely people,
I was in an intense portal of excavation and reprogramming last week.I am realizing how much I've built the capacity within my being to honor these moments and what they are asking of me when they arise. I am grateful for this willingness to see and hold my own depths - which has given me the ability to hold space in the ways that I do for others. I am reminded that when we meet another layer of ourselves, we are meeting another layer of humanity. I am grateful to know more of the layers that connect me and belong me to the world that I am a part of. I think for a minute, I was diluting a bit of myself in order to appease others or not seem "too intense", but the truth is this heart feels the depths of everything all of the time. I am learning to be grateful for this and be able to build the safety within my system to support how much I care. I am learning to embody and externalize that care. I am feeling called to step into deeper alignment with who I work with and why. As I fine tune the subtleties in my own alignment, I am passionate about holding space for others willing to show up and move through their own depths. I am inspired to work with those that want collective and evolutionary shifts not only in their own lives but in the world around them. I have walked through much of (there will always be more) my own dark underbelly and cavernous regions to be able to hold a lantern on the path for others willing to do the same. I don't have the answers, I don't think I ever will... But i have learned many resources, tools, and support systems along the way that have helped me traverse shadowy regions and the unknown that is all of life. The words below are a testament to how I plan on moving forward. I am realizing the clearer I am with my Self, even if sometimes it's "too intense" for others, the more I am drawing in what is actually resonate in relationships, circumstances, and the people that my work will serve the most. Thank you for reading.
My “work” is for the people that want to show up and do the “work”. It’s not an ego massage and I’m not trying to entertain. I’ve done the “work” to be able to hold space for it in the ways that I do. This is not a “better than” statement it is honoring the depths at which I’ve met my self/the discomfort I’ve moved through, the karma I’ve cleared, to be able to be in this state of embodiment. The “work” is a catalyst. It is confrontational. Confronting the Self eventually becomes continual every moment as an acceptance of just what is. this is how sustainable change is created. or we just stay in the same consciousness even if we dress it up differently.
The moment requires something more of you always because it is unknown and new - yes it is our job as a human to meet it and ourselves and in it, and in my opinion, it’s our collective responsibility. If whatever practice we are doing, we notice we are not shifting in our life at all - we might ask ourselves what we are really practicing. I’m really not into catering to comfort at all - that’s just not where I’m at. I am constantly working through my own discomfort/growing pains. I want to work with people that are here to honor life and continually evolve in it - which requires a deep amount of reckoning, willingness, and work with the Self. But the gift is - it frees you in the way, that even if we’re not conscious of it, is what we probably truly long for. Im not for everyone, my offerings are not for everyone, what & how I teach isn’t for everyone & that’s perfectly okay by me. I’m excited to send this clear signal out there so that who it’s for - it’s aligned on all fronts. I’m into alignment on the deepest and most profound level.
If it doesn’t have the felt sense and embodiment of truth and god, I don’t want it. with anyone or anything. those are my non-negotiable requirements because that is where I’ve been working my whole life to move from. This is what I wish to hold space for.
Thank you to this community. I know all of you show up in a myriad of ways that continuously inspires me to do the same. I am hopeful about what is to come, it is because of you and the willingness that I witness each day in this work that my heart is encouraged to hold a grander vision for humanity and keep going with it all. Thank you.
I am reminded of this quote by Arundhati Roy,
"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing."
Surfing the Unknown
Surfing the Unknown
Hi there beautiful spirit,
It's been a minute. So much is breaking down, shifting, and transforming for me right now. Every time I've tried to write, I have found that my pieces have not yet rearranged themselves in a way that makes much sense. Much of what I'm experiencing is preverbal, this message is an attempt to share some things for anyone else that is also in the thick of transition and change in its' fullness. You are not alone, you are not crazy, it is a collective shift that we are feeling individually as well. I am grateful to be with you on this unpredictable journey.
Attune to the unknown or get calcified and compacted in resistance to change. Expand or numb the signals that are asking us to honor the organic cycle of life. The truth has always been not knowing. The truth has always been that change is the only constant. There are moments in life that put that to the test - do I stay the same for comfort's sake or do I step into the abyss and allow life to have its' way with me? My mind is resistant to change, but my spirit lives and longs for it.
Some days I'm leaping with arms wide open, other days I'm grasping for some semblance of solid ground. On the days I'm grasping I'm reminded that the source of it all is not something outside of me. That the shifting is actually something I have woven with my own hands and that this moment is its' culmination. I've been practicing and building toward this. As uncomfortable as it is, this is actually the moment I've been waiting for. The moment where I get to step in the physical embodiment of the change. I leap knowing that I am the one who will always catch me - my relationship with my Self is the solid group. I can say now that I really do trust my Self. This trust has been built over years and years. The trust with Self that allows for the organic evolution of it all.
In the rearview mirror so many pivotal moments in my life were the result of a dive into the unknown. Any bold step forward has demanded a new level of meeting my Self which can't help but shift the physical reality. I want the external change but I also desire the internal shift that helps me sustain it. As uncomfortable as the releasing and ambiguity of it all is - this is actually what I've been asking for all along. Every day I journal about attuning to the highest possibility and to develop the capacity to do so. Life responds in the dynamics and ways of being that need to be shed or worked through in order for that to be the case. This is actually the necessary pathway forward for what is in my deepest alignment - it's all par for the course. It's always been all par for the course.
A full hearted yes to life means we are saying yes to the journey of becoming. The birth and blossom is so beautiful, the shedding and death is also. When we shift our relationship to life and Self to allow for the organic cycle, we meet life as it was designed to be. The growth I long to experience must have space to come to fruition. That space often comes from deep release of the echoes of an old Self. The false security of living in a state of stasis brings our soul to a halt. We may feign confusion to the dissatisfaction we feel which is often times a denial of the discomfort that is very apparent. This discomfort is showing us where we can be birthed anew, this discomfort is showing us where there is more life to be found.
This time has forced me to be more comfortable with discomfort. This season has shown me how to release attachment and surrender more deeply to the unknown than I ever have. This moment is bringing forth the part of me that is so grateful that life isn't just one thing, one way of being, or something to be figured out. I have no desire to figure it out anymore, I have every desire to experience more deeply the whole scope of it all. I am so grateful for this life journey and the sensitivity that allows my being to mirror it all. I am here for life in its entirety and how freakin beautiful, crazy, wild, challenging, and all the things that it is.
I love you all. Wishing you so much grace with Self during this time of great change.
Where in my life am I grasping, clinging, or holding on too tightly?
What is my relationship with letting go?
What am I being asked to acknowledge currently?
How do the above responses relate to the next season of my becoming?
You are the Universe: Discover your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters by Deepak Chopra
“I feel this pang inside – Is it my soul trying to break out, Or the world’s soul trying to break in? My mind trembles with the shimmering leaves. My heart sings with the touch of sunlight. My life is glad to be floating with all things Into the blue of space and the dark of time.” - Deepak Chopra
"I move as a servant of the one breathing through me. There is not another of of you in the entire Omniverse." -Julie Platt
Your Purpose is Who You Are with Julie Platt
(I recommend skipping to 15mins in when the interview actually starts lol)
My current personal practice changes depending on the season of the year/season of my becoming. Here is what has been most supportive for me lately:
Herb Recommendations: Elderflower/Elderberry tea/tincture to support immune system. Elderflower's spiritual/energetic properties are tethered to death/resurrection/rebirth. Plant allies help us tap into the energy of what is being asked of us in the moment.
For me there is a quite a bit of emotional energy moving right now so finding ways to regular clear/process it is essential. I've been using active breathwork (3 part breath) & kapalabhati/bhastrika to move some of the density.
Tapping into the energy of fall:
Fall is the season of shedding, letting go, and starting to slow down/go inward in preparation for winter. Finding ways to tap into the seasonal energy (nature, getting to bed earlier, seasonal foods, etc) helps me give permission to the cycles of change as they are expressing themselves through me.
Ritualize/make it sacred:
I have specific rituals that honor my releasing of the old Self and the becoming of the new. Some of these are journaling, fire burning (purification) water rituals, offerings to nature. It's important to develop our own relationship to what makes something meaningful to us. Exploring with any of the above or something of your own creation to develop the connection to the sacredness of your human journey.
Prayer/connection to something higher:
I know this can be activating for some. Call it divine, source, higher consciousness, higher self, higher wisdom - the connection to something beyond me is what fortifies my hope for the journey. I connect to source throughout the day to remind me that I am part of something greater which gives perspective to the path ahead.
Women's Embodiment
Joshua Tree
March 20-22nd, 2023
Email for more info or to sign up!
Private Sessions
Breathwork is a somatic tool to process stuck emotional energy that gets lodged in the body. Working privately offers the safe container to discuss, give permission to, and release any residual points of emotional tension. If you're interested in booking a session, you can do so here.
I am currently birthing a new healing space into being. PROCESS STUDIO. I am looking for a live/work/create space in Frogtown, Arts District, or Lincoln Heights that will be the space in which I hold small group work.
Throughout the past year I have been holding intimate sacred containers (usually 6-8 people) for deeper processing work. This space/new phase of my life is asking that I show up & facilitate more and more of the work which speaks to the depths, excavation, and breaking down of the false. PROCESS STUDIO has been on my heart for the longest time and I am so excited to birth it to life. I can feel its' heartbeat stemming from the truth of my being.
If you happen to be connected to or hear of any spaces that seem like they might be in alignment for small group work (and me!). - please send them my way. Thank you so very much.
Self. Each Other. Planet.
Self. Each Other. Planet.
Good afternoon friends,
I woke up this morning and my spirit wanted to ride away on a dolphin, but it's a Wednesday and I'm still in a body so here we are. This planet's got a lot going on right now (an understatement) and if your sensitized and awake for it, I'm sure you feel it. Right there with you and sending you so much love on your journey, in your process, and in the fluctuations of it all. Thank you for showing up in any way to meet the moment. I love you,
When I created my first program, the mantra that kept coming through was "personal evolution leads to planetary evolution". I still repeat and attempt to live by that each day. Yes, I need my self awareness for my life, but the planet needs my self awareness too. If I have the access to the tools and resources to remain conscious or become more conscious than I must. For me, when I choose to turn a blind eye to points of tension (however they are presenting) what I'm really turning a a blind eye to is the evolution of the planet, expressed through me, that wants and needs to grow. The relationship I have with my discomfort and my willingness to move through it, is the relationship I have with understanding and being able to hold the discomfort for the world around me. I cannot say that I understand, on any level, the discomfort or tension of the world if I am not willing to be with my own.
Moving through our own "wounds", conditioning, difficult emotions, etc is the template from which we learn how to help the planet evolve. Evolution is an extension of our own embodiment, it's not a concept. Evolution includes the Self as the origin point of understanding what that even is or means. My bandwidth for space holding, nervous system regulation, and capacity to hold the darkest regions of my own soul is the foundation for PROCESS STUDIO and the spaces that I hold for others to do the same. I am currently trying to build my nervous system to be able to hold more space in less controlled/curated settings for the future. I still have a lot of work to do on this - but I am currently working on it.
Personal evolution leads to planetary evolution. When I evolve, it shifts how I engage with everything around me and how everything around me engages with me. From seeing this happen each time I grow, I can feel, without a doubt, that I am connected to collective. This is a felt sense and direct experience thing - not an idea thing. When I am nurturing with my Self in the depths of my sadness, I am simultaneously building the space to hold another in theirs. When I ask for support or seek out/implement the resources to facilitate my evolution - I become a tool, resource, and support for collective evolution through my own embodiment.
I am absolutely aware that not everyone has access to the forms of support that they need to move through points of tension. That is also why I am writing this... If we do have access, then we must move through and acknowledge discomfort - however it's presenting in the moment. The collective needs our self-awareness and presence. There are so many spaces and places that need our care - whether that's our family, friends, community, or beyond. There are so many places that need our presence and care. Choosing to remain unconscious is choosing to ignore the planet and world that we are intimately a part of.
One of my teachers talks about the three stages of belonging. Belonging to Self. Belonging to each other. And belonging to this planet. When we claim and take responsibility for our Self, we are opening up the gateway to each other and the planet. In my opinion, it's beautiful that it works this way. The true growth we seek in our own lives will automatically benefit the all that we are a part of. The intimate connection to our own system will show us where the external systems have disrupted truth. Dialogue with our own soul is the key back to the soul of the world.
What I long for, even if I'm not always conscious of it, is to remember and know within my own being these three stages of belonging. Self. Each Other. Planet. My yearning and willingness to grow, experience more life, and freedom - links me to everything around me. Personal evolution leads to planetary evolution. Belonging is remembering, through embodiment, all that you are and all that you are apart of. This is not an idea, but a feeling. Not a concept, but an experiential knowing.
I am learning that there is great joy in seeing how my life grows as I grow. I am feeling a sense of belonging that I've been yearning for since I can remember. I am grateful it works like this, Although it's sometimes challenging to confront my own shadows or to be with the desire to be free from all that I have yet to learn to be with and grow from, I am grateful it works like this. My willingness to be with it all and prioritize evolution over comfort is the gateway back to belonging. Belonging is remembering, through embodiment, all that you are and all that you are a part of. I promise I will continue to move through all the dark dense places, so I can continue to be more present because my friends, family, community, and life deserve that from me. I deserve that from me. I am grateful to belong and play my part in what that means, to the best of my ability, at this moment in time. I still have so much to learn. I am working on embodying belonging to the planet a bit more fully, in my way, but I'm not exactly sure what that means for and through me just yet. I'll get back to you on that one, I'm still learning how to move that through me.
Thank you for your learning, growing, and evolving in the way that you are. Thank you for your patience as I continue to grow, learn, and evolve.
I love you all. Thank you for reading,
Building Vision
To continue on the old way would be to disrespect my Self, my lived experience.
Hello fellow light beams of consciousness,
Never a dull moment in this life thing, never a dull moment. Whatever wave you're riding in this ebb and flow - I hope your holding yourself through the lens of spaciousness and acceptance. Grateful to be a part of this journey with you always. I wrote the email below just about a year ago (how has it been a year already?). It feels just a relevant, but in a different way, at this season of my becoming. It's nice to reread a moment in time and see the glimmers of truth in a new way. If you've read it before, do you perceive it differently now? What does that say about how you've shifted? With this, with everything. We are moving parts. If we want to be, we are conscious moving parts.
To continue on the old way would be to disrespect my Self, my lived experience, and as extension of that disrespect life. I'm done with outdated templates built on shaky foundations that don't honor human connection, freedom, love, and truth at the root - the things that matter the most to me.
I'm not interested in diluting truth to appease others, I'm interested in amplifying it to create sustainable change. I'm not interested what strokes my ego and or puts me on a pedestal, I'm interested in the empowerment of all so we can teach each other through our unique lived experience. I'm not interested in praise or approval, I'm interested in collective and evolutionary shifts in human consciousness. I'm not interested in models of unsustainable expansion at the expense of the Soul, I'm into organic growth that honors life. I'm not interested in speaking to the masses, I'm interested in the ripple effect that the depth of true connection, understanding, and intimacy brings. I'm not interested in convincing others of what I know to be true, I'm interested in everyone owning and living into their own truth. I'm not interested in popularity or millions of followers on instagram, I'm interested in breaking down false idolization and the egoic power paradigms that feed into an idea that some are more important than others. I'm not interested in stealing peoples attention through shallow means, I'm into awake humans who are aware of where they put their attention and can direct it where it's needed the most. I'm not interested in pretending life is linear, I'm into honoring the spherical, the spiral, and dimensionality of it all. I'm not interested in doing more, I'm into right intentional effort on behalf of what I value. I'm not interested in being performative with my strengths, I’m interested in kindly caring for my weaknesses so I can hold the space of compassion for others struggling with their own. I'm not interested in speeding up, I'm interested in slowing down to ask where I'm going, why, and what this is all for.
I'm not attached to the form I speak to this all in, just so long as I'm speaking to it. It's my belief that we all have different access points to share truth based on what is inherent within us. My initial access point was movement and the physical body, although it's shifting now. I've always attempted, sometimes not so gracefully, to speak to the heart of what I have realized thus far. If I don't, it seems meaningless and I don't see the point of it all. I don't need validation or recognition anymore, but my soul does need to be around others committed to doing the deeper work to move the whole thing forward so we can amplify that for each other. I'm interested in the necessary evolution that happens as an attunement to the nature of change. I don't need to make a big splash, I'm into the ripple effect that stems from true presence in a moment. The truth substantiates and takes deep roots, it isn't shallow, rot, or see through. I'm into stable foundations built on honoring life that have real good roots - roots that won't rot.
'm untangling the false systems that are at play within me on behalf of a higher vision where the work I'm here to share won't be running through a distorted filter. I see this as a necessity in order to honor humanity at the deepest level. I still have a lot to learn on this, but I'm committed to learning it.
I'm sharing this because it's the truth as I have come to know it, right now. I have been empowered to share by others who have shown me how through their courage to stand behind what matters and their own embodiment of truth. Even if I don't find ever find "success" as defined by this society, I will have stood behind what I value and will know that I have done my very best to show up 100% each day from a place of integrity. This is how I commit to moving forward, this is the only way I really can move forward. One of the main aims of yoga is "moksha" or liberation/freedom. I have come to understand this, thus far, to mean - I'm not free, you're not free till we're all free. As I have found more personal freedom and sovereignty - the need to show up in a greater capacity (even if it's small baby steps) for the collective is more apparent. I am still breaking down the fear that I will be rejected for speaking what I know to be true or for honoring evolution - that people won't like me anymore if I touch on things that are more nuanced or challenging - but this seems to be my trajectory, so best not to fight it. I trust that it will be received by who it's meant for.
No movement or way is too small - it all matters. I can either ignore this or do my best to show up for it in the ways that I can, to the best of my ability, in the moment. Right now, for me, that's helping break down the systems that run through the body as a result of existing in models that don't value life. When we are in our bodies, we are more present - when we are more present we are more conscious of how this whole thing is going down, what we value, and how to reattune to that. When we are more conscious of what matters to us, we are more willing to show up for it, support it, and birth it into being through our own embodiment and actions. When I am really truly present, there are certain things I just will not stand for. When I am truly present, I become my unique version of a warrior for the human spirit. This is where the practice is at for me, I still have so much to learn but I am grateful that I feel clear as to why it all matters so much to me now. This, to me, is the essence and the heart of the practice.
I speak from my life experience and am still fumbling in my journey to learn more and articulate things that are a bit more complex and layered. I see this life thing always as just being a human trying to connect with others on the level of truth. I think we all have this capacity to grow, to teach other, and share from our vulnerable honest hearts. I don't see any of us as more special or important - we all have different life experiences and have learned things from it that would be useful to others. We all have something to offer, to share, to give.This is an attempt to share a bit of my human experience with the faith that it will all be cyclical and that someone else might feel inspired to do the same. I am grateful to those that have inspired me in that way to be at the place where I can share this now. This is the kind of world I would like to be part of. Maybe it just starts with the moment, remembering and acting in the small ways on a higher vision for humanity.
I am grateful to learn from you , thank you for teaching me as a fumble forward, some days a bit more gracefully than others. Being in community with you all is one of the greatest gifts of my life. Thank you for, without knowing it, getting me to show up to the practice and my Self to a depth I could’ve never imagined so that I could still stand behind teaching it, so I could still stand behind truth. I've learned so much from you all and wouldn't be able to be typing these words if I hadn't had the support of community. We can't do it without each other.
Human Feels-Normalizing Emotional Processing
Human Feels. Normalizing Emotional Processing
Hello there human!
Thank you for existing. I hope these words give permission for you to feel what you feel in some small way. Thank you for reading.
Before I processed the sadness, I felt the weight of it. For years, I felt the weight of it. The pit in my stomach, the tightness in my chest, the grip of my throat - the sadness took root everywhere in me. It had been there for so long that the heaviness of it felt comfortable and familiar. And even though it was so so heavy, the familiarity of it made it feel safe so I kept it. For years, I kept the sadness close - years of not feeling my feelings built up inside my body. It felt suffocating, I couldn't give my Self permission to cry, to weep, to roar, to scream.... to be human. A human who feels. I'm not going to go into the root of the sadness itself, that's a windy path, but I will state that while it has taken a bit of time, I now give my Self complete permission to feel how I feel. I will never again apologize for, deny, or shove down how I feel for anyone or anything. I will never steal from my Self the gift of being affected by life and allowing life to affect me. I am a human BEING, one who feels very deeply. I now realize this as a gift, it's been a long journey to get here. But, yes, it's a gift - such a gift.
I've always been very sensitive to... well everything. I wasn't taught how to give space to this sensitivity or process my feelings growing up. A lot of what I saw modeled by my upbringing, society, and my experience as a "perfect ballerina" was to keep up the facade that I was only ever in one state of being, and that state of being was "good". Anything besides "good" didn't seem to have room in the conversation. I found the people around me didn't have the language or tools to handle the honesty of, "I feel really sad, I don't know why, by all of it, and that makes me even sadder." I felt alienated in how experienced reality through feeling, in response to this I started to store it all inside of me. I said "good" when I didn't mean it, I smiled, when my heart felt heavy, so that no one would have to feel uncomfortable by my feelings. I became a storage unit of all that was unprocessed, I stifled it all to stay agreeable. I saw that hiding your Self away when experiencing less socially acceptable feelings was apparently the only option. I saw that posting photos on social media of me smiling when my heart was weeping got me more likes - I felt validated in my facade, while in the meantime I was withholding my own humanity away from my Self. If I posted a video of me screaming, crying, or howling - I might not be accepted, liked, or loved. If I admitted the depth of my sadness to my Self or the world would I still be a part of the tribe? Everything around me was telling me otherwise which made me feel even more alone in how I was experiencing life. Even after I intellectually understood the root of the sadness, I still hadn't felt it. I didn't know how. I had been shoving it all down for so long, I didn't know where to begin. There was so much to untangle.
I found emotional release breathwork in a moment of desperation. A "something's gotta change" moment if you will. The teacher mentioned that a lot could and would come up and out, I defiantly told my Self, "not me, I'm someone who keeps it together." It only took 5 minutes of the active breathwork for the tears to come rushing down. They didn't stop, wouldn't stop - I couldn't "pull it together" like usual, so I surrendered to it. I said yes to the sadness and the tears continued. I said yes to the grief, the tears continued. They continued for the rest of the 40 minutes of active breath. If I'm being honest, they are still continuing to this day... every time I do breathwork, I'm always the one crying. It takes a long time to process years of stifled emotion, but I'm getting there. I feel lighter, the sadness feels more malleable now. The sadness has also been a gateway to my purpose and the work I'm here to hold space for. I understand this now.
I'm writing this to all humans out there, especially if you're highly sensitive, I am with you in the feeling of it all. It is normal, healthy, and a gift to feel.
To feel is to be alive.
To feel is to understand.
To feel is to experience the totality of life.
Emotions are energy in motion, they are transient states. I am not the sadness, but the sadness is passing through me. This is okay, this is a natural response to processing life experience. I don't overidentify with the emotion or shove it down, but I do allow it. Yes to the sadness. I now know that the depth to which I allow my Self to experience the grief is the depth to which I'm also allowing my Self to experience joy. I cry now with the feeling of open arms. I communicate how I'm feeling and have normalized that I will always be the first one to cry, to be vulnerable and do the work in public, and to say "sadness is passing through me and it feels really heavy today". This has liberated me by allowing me to be with my Self and the ever-changing states of me. I will not become a storehouse for unprocessed life, I will feel it and I will process it. I will let it impact me, connect me to the depth of me, and let it shift how I show up in the world. I will not project unprocessed feeling onto anyone or anything, I will feel it. I will feel it all. I want life to touch me, move me, open me. Yes to the days that are deep wells of sadness reminding me what it means to really care about something. Yes to the days of anger that reignite my spirit and give me the tenacity and fire to keep going. Yes to the joy that feels like lightness of hope in my bones. Yes to it all.
I'm hoping we can start to normalize the full spectrum of human emotion by being honest with and processing our own feelings first. Not only for us but also to be able to hold space this kind of space for others. It's taken time, patience, effort, and probably many lifetimes of tears - but I now understand how to feel. I now say with a great sense of respect and honor that I am one who feels. Thank goodness I feel this deeply, it has saved me and reminded me why I'm here. Hallelujah to the lifetimes of tears and the sweet cradling of joy that reminds me that I'm alive.
Here's to fully feeling,
Love you!
If you don't know where to begin and feeling and processing emotion seems challenging- I would love to hold space for you. I currently offer emotional release breathwork sessions. These privates are a safe container to release what wants to be unearthed within you. Feelings are the language of the body. The active breathwork technique assists in bypassing the mind (which tends to intellectualize and analyze) to drop into the body & let the body do the processing that it needs to do. In essence, knowing why you're sad and feeling your sadness are two different things. You can know the root of something but still be holding onto the residual energy of it in your body. It is a great honor to share something that has helped me move through it all. If you're interested in scheduling a private breathwork session with me, feel free to reach out to or schedule here.
Below is a short video I made that touches our relationship with processing emotions. Thanks for your patience as I attempt to touch on the things that used to be too hard to talk about, I'm still working on vocalizing them. I hope it's useful.
With love,
"The relationship between body, mind, and spirit is that the body reflects what is held in mind, which in turn reflects one’s spiritual position. It is necessary to know where all human experience takes place because if we address that level, we will be addressing the most powerful level. If the physical is the consequence of the mental, and the mental is the consequence of the spiritual, then we need to address it in the area called consciousness."
Healing and Recovery by David Hawkins
"“Do not let anything that happens in life be important enough that you’re willing to close your heart over it.”
The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer
This podcast with my teacher Erin Telford was powerful.
What Matters- A High Vision I Won't Sacrifice
What Matters. A High Vision I Won't Sacrifice.
Oh hey there phenomenal being of light and consciousness in human form!
Greetings from the hi desert. I snuck away for 3 days of silence and was in the middle of my spirit offerings under a big yucca when this came through, so here we are. Thank you for being and for taking time to read this contemplation. I hope it serves in some small way.
At this point in my life, I'm only interested in standing behind what matters to me on the deepest level. I've spent enough time taking in feedback from others who are not in alignment with their soul and years living by outdated models of being that don't prioritize truth. To continue on the old way would be to disrespect my Self, my lived experience, and as extension of that disrespect life. I'm done with outdated templates built on shaky foundations that don't honor human connection, freedom, love, and truth at the root - the things that matter the most to me.
I'm not interested in diluting truth to appease others, I'm interested in amplifying it to create sustainable change. I'm not interested what strokes my ego and or puts me on a pedestal, I'm interested in the empowerment of all so we can teach each other through our unique lived experience. I'm not interested in praise or approval, I'm interested in collective and evolutionary shifts in human consciousness. I'm not interested in models of unsustainable expansion at the expense of the Soul, I'm into organic growth that honors life. I'm not interested in speaking to the masses, I'm interested in the ripple effect that the depth of true connection, understanding, and intimacy brings. I'm not interested in convincing others of what I know to be true, I'm interested in everyone owning and living into their own truth. I'm not interested in popularity or millions of followers on instagram, I'm interested in breaking down false idolization and the egoic power paradigms that feed into an idea that some are more important than others. I'm not interested in stealing peoples attention through shallow means, I'm into awake humans who are aware of where they put their attention and can direct it where it's needed the most. I'm not interested in pretending life is linear, I'm into honoring the spherical, the spiral, and dimensionality of it all. I'm not interested in doing more, I'm into right intentional effort on behalf of what I value. I'm not interested in being performative with my strengths, I’m interested in kindly caring for my weaknesses so I can hold the space of compassion for others struggling with their own. I'm not interested in speeding up, I'm interested in slowing down to ask where I'm going, why, and what this is all for.
I'm not attached to the form I speak to this all in, just so long as I'm speaking to it. It's my belief that we all have different access points to share truth based on what is inherent within us. My initial access point was movement and the physical body, although it's shifting now. I've always attempted, sometimes not so gracefully, to speak to the heart of what I have realized thus far. If I don't, it seems meaningless and I don't see the point of it all. I don't need validation or recognition anymore, but my soul does need to be around others committed to doing the deeper work to move the whole thing forward so we can amplify that for each other. I'm interested in the necessary evolution that happens as an attunement to the nature of change. I don't need to make a big splash, I'm into the ripple effect that stems from true presence in a moment. The truth substantiates and takes deep roots, it isn't shallow, rot, or see through. I'm into stable foundations built on honoring life that have real good roots - roots that won't rot.
Since I'm coming from a place of privilege and have been fortunate enough to have access to the tools, resources, time, and practices that are present in my life currently, it really isn't even an option to do or not do the deeper work, internally and externally. If I can, I must. This, for me, is a matter of personal responsibility - do the work, break down the outdated models running within my being, hold the vision, and don't sacrifice it out of need for personal comfort. I'm not interested in comfort at the expense of truth. I'm untangling the false systems that are at play within me on behalf of a higher vision where the work I'm here to share won't be running through a distorted filter. I see this as a necessity in order to honor humanity at the deepest level. I still have a lot to learn on this, but I'm committed to learning it.
I'm sharing this because it's the truth as I have come to know it, right now. I have been empowered to share by others who have shown me how through their courage to stand behind what matters and their own embodiment of truth. Even if I don't find ever find "success" as defined by this society, I will have stood behind what I value and will know that I have done my very best to show up 100% each day from a place of integrity. This is how I commit to moving forward, this is the only way I really can move forward. One of the main aims of yoga is "moksha" or liberation/freedom. I have come to understand this, thus far, to mean - I'm not free, you're not free till we're all free. As I have found more personal freedom and sovereignty - the need to show up in a greater capacity (even if it's small baby steps) for the collective is more apparent. I am still breaking down the fear that I will be rejected for speaking what I know to be true or for honoring evolution - that people won't like me anymore if I touch on things that are more nuanced or challenging - but this seems to be my trajectory, so best not to fight it. I trust that it will be received by who it's meant for.
No movement or way is too small - it all matters. I can either ignore this or do my best to show up for it in the ways that I can, to the best of my ability, in the moment. Right now, for me, that's helping break down the systems that run through the body as a result of existing in models that don't value life. When we are in our bodies, we are more present - when we are more present we are more conscious of how this whole thing is going down, what we value, and how to reattune to that. When we are more conscious of what matters to us, we are more willing to show up for it, support it, and birth it into being through our own embodiment and actions. When I am really truly present, there are certain things I just will not stand for. When I am truly present, I become my unique version of a warrior for the human spirit. This is where the practice is at for me, I still have so much to learn but I am grateful that I feel clear as to why it all matters so much to me now. This, to me, is the essence and the heart of the practice.
I speak from my life experience and am still fumbling in my journey to learn more and articulate things that are a bit more complex and layered. I see this life thing always as just being a human trying to connect with others on the level of truth. I think we all have this capacity to grow, to teach other, and share from our vulnerable honest hearts. I don't see any of us as more special or important - we all have different life experiences and have learned things from it that would be useful to others. We all have something to offer, to share, to give.This is an attempt to share a bit of my human experience with the faith that it will all be cyclical and that someone else might feel inspired to do the same. I am grateful to those that have inspired me in that way to be at the place where I can share this now. This is the kind of world I would like to be part of. Maybe it just starts with the moment, remembering and acting in the small ways on a higher vision for humanity.
I am grateful to learn from you , thank you for teaching me as a fumble forward, some days a bit more gracefully than others. Being in community with you all is one of the greatest gifts of my life. Thank you for, without knowing it, getting me to show up to the practice and my Self to a depth I could’ve never imagined so that I could still stand behind teaching it, so I could still stand behind truth. I've learned so much from you all and wouldn't be able to be typing these words if I hadn't had the support of community. We can't do it without each other. Thank you for you always.
We are all humans. We are all leaders.
We are all humans. We are all leaders.
Hello hello,
I hope your week has been filled with beautiful moments of presence, understanding, and growth. As always, wishing you patience and compassion with Self through this life journey.
I sometimes sing and scream to Alanis Morissette while driving to process residual anger. I ritualize drinking a glass of wine every once in awhile. Sometimes I eat a burger when my body needs red meat. I laugh at inappropriate moments and can talk too much when I get anxious. I'm still learning how to ask for support when I need it. I'm figuring out how to have better boundaries while remaining soft and open. I get stuck in the hell of my own mind just like the best of us. I've normalized sharing my struggles and the lessons they are teaching me in front of a room of people. I make a lot of "mistakes". My wisdom has come from being okay with making lots of "mistakes" and learning from them. I'm no monk and I have no desire to be. The shades of "love and light" I've experienced have come only after many moments of picking myself up off the bathroom floor and convincing my Self to keep going and that it all had a greater purpose. My biggest lessons were learned the hard way. I have dedicated my life to learning how to evolve, how to honor the soul, and how to be fully and completely human. I share what I can in the ways that I can at this developmental stage in my life. I do the best I can to be a decent human with the tools in my toolbox at the time. I'm also open to admitting when I need more tools. I am still developing as a human, I will always be still developing as a human. I reserve this for my Self as my divine right - to always be in process.
We all share what we have come to know through our direct experience.There are no separate standards for teaching on matters of soul, spirit, and heart. I never ever want to ever be put on a pedestal, I have no desire to be separate from others. I also have no desire to be a leader of others, just a leader of my own life. My classes, workshops, privates, and retreats are centered around different facets of reclaiming personal power by remembering the truth of who we are. I share this because I have spent much of my life forgetting who I am and attempting to remember and finding my power in that attempt. I happen to be in the front of the room occasionally, but I make a conscious effort to put myself in the back of the room where I can be the student most of the time. I am grateful to learn what I know nothing about, there are so many people who know so many things I don't know (thank goodness and wow! people are so amazing and there is so much to learn from everybody!!). I actually love being a student the most but, from my understanding, life requires us to complete the cycle and share what we've learned at some point, so here I am. I do know that I am becoming a better teacher because I am becoming a better student. I do know that we are all each others students and teachers. At this stage in my life, I finally recognize myself as the visionary that I am. But I also believe that we all are visionaries.
We are an extension of life itself, consciousness in human form, ever expanding. I am building the relationship with my Self that I also want to have with all life - since I am life. I've spent a lot of time cultivating this relationship, I've gained some tools along the way - sometimes I share them. Some of this relationship and my work involves the heart, spirit, and soul - which is what I spend most of my time educating myself on, integrating, and trying to embody what I've come to learn.
Every person in a room full of people has a different perception about everybody. There are perceptions about me as a human, me as a yoga instructor, and what this potentially means about how I live my life. We are different people to everyone based on the filter they are seeing through. I have my perceptions, I am constantly working to clear my filters of what is not based on truth. I know, for me, this is going to be a whole lifetime job. People may have conditioned beliefs about what it means to do the work of spirit - but I live by my own life and have my direct experience of what it means. I live by that, not by what others assume or expect it to mean. My relationship with spirit isn't textbook, it's been an intimate cultivation and connection that took years to establish and start to trust. I'm not seated in a lotus position every day for 5 hours repeating OM, I'm in the throws of it - falling down and attempting to get back up having learned something and hopefully becoming just slightly wiser because of it. I have "faults" and personal propensities that I'm confronted with every day that often keep me from moving through life gracefully. I'm not trying to "good girl" this spirituality stuff, I am a woman who is trying to allow her Self to be fully human in the muckiness and the beauty simultaneously. This is what feels real and honest, to me.
I'm responsible for my own definition and meaning of life which has been derived from my own direct experience. I'm not responsible for others definitions or projections of how and who I should be as a "human", as a "yoga instructor", as a "healer", as an "insert the blank" ....It's not my job to take on others projections, but it is my job to work on my own relationship with spirit, soul, and heart and to move from there. My life has been built by getting closer to my Self rather than farther away. I've learned to let everyone have their opinions about who, what, and how I should be and just continue to clean up my side of the street the best that I can. I know where my personal work is and I show up for it. This is how I stay in right relationship with my Self. If I don't have right relationship with my Self, I have nothing - personal integrity means everything to me.
I've attempted to create a life in which I can be entirely myself, define and redefine my Self based on the changing nature of life, and be fully human in the process. The people that inspire me and that I respect the most are the ones that share their humanity - not the perfectly curated facade, but the messy realness of it all. My life has been been one of stumbling and fumbling my way forward, forgetting and remembering, and somehow always coming through to the other side with a bit more appreciation for life.
The embodiment of truth and wisdom isn't one size fits all. We can do it in our own way. There are no pedestals. Inner authority is truth - the way forward is truly knowing oneself. Oneself as an extension of life - in order to know life, I choose to start with my Self. Oh how I wish I could be just spirit, but I am so very human - seemingly flawed but really just evolving - one step forward at a time, sometimes 5 steps back, but deeply committed to the journey regardless. I am undoubtedly spirit but I am also undeniably human and I give my Self full permission to be both. I'm definitely no "guru" and thank goodness. But what a sweet relief to realize that I don't even believe in gurus...that is, unless we all are.
Here's to the messiness and amazingness of being fully human!
Love you all.
Thanks for reading,
"Until we get to the roof of the causes of our inner suffering, which are the foundational patterns put in the place in the earliest days of our lives, and mourn the situations that caused us to internalize them, the personal development or spiritual work we do can only reach a superficial level at best."
Discovering the Inner Mother by Bethany Webster
I'm honored to have been studying with Erin for about 5 years now. Grateful to call her one of my teachers. Here is a short talk she did on the relationship with Self recently.
I've also been in a shedding & redefining phase of what I want out of relationships (friends, partnerships, and otherwise) to be more intentional & conscious moving forward. If this resonates, I found this talk very useful. Convo starts at about about 12mins in if you want to skip the intro fluff.
Going to the depths
Going to the depths
Hello beautiful soul in human form,
How's your heart? Life sure does give us a myriad of lessons & ways to learn how to be with ourselves. If it feels like so much is processing, transforming, and integrating for you right now- I'm right there with ya. Sending you inner fortitude and patience with Self through the journey.
I had an ideal Bree dream day this past Sunday. I taught a class, assisted a breathwork training with one of the teachers I admire the most, and led a Breathwork & Sound workshop with my dear friend Kathleen in the evening. By the end of the day, I was all used up in the all the good ways. I came home completely exhausted but with my heart overflowing with joy at this beautiful life, this beautiful day. A day in which I learned so much, I expanded my capacity to hold space, and my heart got stretched just a little bit more open than I thought was possible. A day of alignment, of truth, of co-creating the spaces of belonging I had always longed for on my own healing journey. Sometimes I still can't believe this is my life.
I am grateful to always be a student and to have been around my teacher all weekend. She takes me to the sharp edges of my Self and always makes me confront what I'm avoiding. This is what I look for in any teacher - someone or some thing that shows me how to move through what I would otherwise not notice or choose to ignore. My teacher currently is someone that takes me beyond the comfort and patterning that might massage my ego but keeps me looping in the same unconscious cycles. I'm not here to stay stuck, I'm here to evolve - I always look for what and who resonates with me that speaks to evolution. She tells it to me straight, which is a quality I always admire - honesty and telling it like it is. Give me the truth always. Truth is soul medicine.
My teacher said, "Bree, in order to have more impact, you have to deepen your capacity."
Truth. I am building my capacity to hold more space, to stand my ground, to speak my truth, and to take others to the depths of themselves by meeting my own depths. I can't meet or hold space for others depths if I haven't met my own. I've been meeting my Self in my depths for awhile now - this is the Underworld - a place where all the subconscious beliefs and grey matter surrounding the heart becomes apparent - to be healed, to be met, to be processed and moved through. I'm not afraid of the darkness, the shadowy regions - I welcome this space now. The shadow, the counter side to the light, when experienced fully, lends itself to a more complete experience of the light that I wouldn't trade for anything. If I don't go down, under, and in - my life feels half full and distorted. I know I haven't met my Self fully, when I'm left with a dull ache in my heart and an unacknowledged desire or yearning that knows there's something more. This is how I am deepening my capacity to hold space for others - to meet my edges and then go through and beyond them. Nothing of me scares me anymore - I welcome it all, the full spectrum, the dark regions, the not so "nice" or appealing parts. The shades of me I'd rather keep behind closed doors now are welcome to come out and play - "bring it on" I say - nothing scares me about me anymore. It's all welcome. I am working to build the capacity to hold the frequency of truth in all situations. I'm working to hold space for what's beyond the surface levels of being, as this has been where I've spent most of my life meeting my Self. It's not pretty there, but it's honest. It's also honoring the alchemy process of this darkness that has led to the dreamy day I started with - a day of more freedom and joy than I could have possibly imagined. I'm friends with the darkness now. I see it for what it essential part of the cycle of it it all.
My dream day has been a result of a life committed to understanding the "why", "the what am I here for", and "who am I" questions I've been asking since I was a young girl. I've been able to hold my own hand through the dark moments, a lot of it I did alone. A lot of it I wish I didn't have to have done alone. My dream day is being around a community space of collective processing, of talking about truth, or normalizing the discussion of things that I used to feel I had to process or be with behind closed doors. I am the creator and facilitator of spaces where it all belongs - the shadows, the dark underbelly, the "unlovable" parts, the cavernous reasons that get shoved away for another time. I hold this space for others because it is the space I have learned to hold for my Self. I am here to meet all of me. My life is often going down, in, and to the depths - so I can speak to and open the door for others to potentially do the same. The "work" I offer requires others to show up and do the "work". It requires self participation, self-ownership, and a willingness to say yes to the discomfort and dark regions. On the other side of the darkness, lies sustainable change, lies actual evolution, lies true freedom - none of which can happen by avoiding discomfort or shoving down the parts of us that want to be integrated.
I believe it's important to ask ourselves what we want to learn and what we want out of a teacher. For some, it's physical depth. For some, it's teachers of the mind. It's all beautiful work, this is why all teachers are necessary and essential - to be able to speak to what resonates for someone's now is an incredible gift. And the right medicine for us now is a moving target. All teachers are essential.
Personally, while I love it all, my work currently speaks to clearing space around and for the heart, spirit, and soul. For me, I am always looking for those that have taken a few steps farther along in the direction my soul wants to be traveling in. I look for a teacher that holds the frequency that I'm trying to learn to sustain. I look for teachers that show me how to meet my Self on a deeper level than I've previously known. I seek out people, places, and circumstances that show me open doors to my soul and spirit that I didn't notice before. I look for teachers that help me access the parts of my Self that are currently in hiding. By surrounding my Self with what speaks to where my soul is evolving to - I am able to support my Self into the next iteration of becoming.
My Shades of Emotions program came from going to the depths and wanting to create a safe and sacred container to guide others to do the same. While its' primary focus is processing dense energy related to suppressed emotions, much of the intention behind it is to free up more space in our bodies, hearts, and spirits to experience more joy, alignment, freedom, and openness. I have found, from my own experience, that this usually involves going down and in. It involves excavating the shadowy parts that aren't always so pretty or fun to recognize or talk about. It involves an initiation period of meeting ourselves on a deeper level than we thought was previously possible. I am passionate about normalizing collective processing and talking about challenging things in community. This is the kind of space I always wanted in my own journey, so I created it. We can build our capacity to hold and move through difficult things together - side by side. If you're interested in this intimate month-long journey starting June, reach out by responding to this email so we can see if it feels aligned!
Love you all.
Thanks for reading,
“To cherish secrets and to restrain emotions are psychic misdemeanours for which nature finally visits us with sickness—that is, when we do these things in private. But when they are done in communion with others they satisfy nature and may even count as useful virtues. It is only restraint practised in and for oneself that is unwholesome. It is as if man had an inalienable right to behold all that is dark, imperfect, stupid and guilty in his fellow-beings—for such of course are the things that we keep private to protect ourselves. It seems to be a sin in the eyes of nature to hide our insufficiency—just as much as to live entirely on our inferior side. There appears to be a conscience in mankind which severely punishes the man who does not somehow and at some time, at whatever cost to his pride, cease to defend and assert himself, and instead confess himself fallible and human. Until he can do this, an impenetrable wall shuts him out from the living experience of feeling himself a man among men. Here we find a key to the great significance of true, unstereotyped confession—a significance known in all the initiation and mystery cults of the ancient world, as is shown by a saying from the Greek mysteries: "Give up what thou hast, and then thou wilt receive.”
Modern Man in Search of a Soul by Carl Jung
*Also highly recommend following Astrid Schmidt on instagram. She is a psychotherapist who also touches on the soul/spirit in most of her work. I really resonate with how she speaks on things.
Journal Prompts:
1. What parts of my Self do I tend to avoid?
2. What parts of me do I hide from others?
3. What fears come up around looking at or sharing this part of me?
4. Where & when (memory, moment in time, etc) did this fear develop?
Embodiment is Beautiful
Embodiment is Beautiful
Hey there human!
How's the whole life thing going?
It's been a bit of an intense past few days. The energy that's coming through is strong and clarifying - but also feels a bit like a purge of all the things I've been avoiding confronting. The shedding & clarification, can be the portal to potential new space and possibility - so I'm trying to allow my Self to be in the process of it all till the wisdom, insight, and lesson comes through. I've been giving my Self lots of space and moments of sacred solitude during this time. Sending you love and moments of softness with Self, especially if you're feeling it in all the ways right now.
Embodiment is beautiful. Messy is pretty. The truth is sexy. Snort laughter is cool. Being a dancer who trips over her own two feet is hilarious. Admitting I don't know when I actually don't know is freeing. Human, not perfectly curated projection, is beautiful.
The living expression of who and what I am needs no mask. If I'm moving from truth, it just is what it is, I am who I am. Living into my Self fully, means I have nothing to convince, hide, or defend. There's nothing to prove when you're just being who you are. The expression of truth is a felt sense, we can't fake embodiment. There is a vivaciousness and vibrancy that is felt when someone is connected to prana or their own life force. It's not something that can be bought or dressed up to appear a certain way - it's an ownership of life experience and knowing one Self that shines through the surface layers we often hide behind.
There is no one version of "cool", "beautiful", "successful", "artist", "muse", "teacher", etc. There is no one version of human. What's cool is what's cool to me, for me, and through me as it relates to the creative life force that moves in me uniquely. What's beautiful is me embracing all of who I am on every level. What is an artist, if not just someone who is in touch deeply with life - which is inherently creative. Screw perfectly curated projections, they are ultimately unsatistying and unfulfilling - give me life as it is. Life looks different on and through all of us, as it should be. If nothing else is established in my life but to know and feel what truth is on the deepest level - that would be enough. I give my Self back to my Self. Authenticity is being a clear channel to allow life to express itself freely through us. Reclaiming authenticity, often requires breaking down & moving through every thing that has been internalized that doesn't belong to us and essentially gets in the way of our unique Self expression.
I want to live my life as if it was art in its' purest form - a movement of the spirit and echo of the soul. Give me the raw and unfiltered heartbeat of humanity - not the deadening noise of confusion and distraction. Clarity is one of the most important things to me. Sending a clear signal and directing my energy intentionally not only feels good to my nervous system and being, but also it is more likely that my energy is able to be received in the way it was intended. I want my external movements to come from an internal intimacy and deep understanding. Confusion only comes when I'm functioning from a program that's not of my own making or when I'm unwilling to be witness to and be with a part of my Self that wants to be heard. A clear direction of energy and movement with a specific intention (a clear "why") is what I'm after. Otherwise, what's it all for?
This email wanted to start out as a message on embodiment. It turned into the interconnectivity of embodiment, authenticity, and reclaiming the Self - all of which requiring living into ourselves through direct experience. In order to release the old models, and live by our own rules, we have to make space by shedding what is not our own. The creation of space from the shedding then lends itself to conscious choice based on the truth of who we are. This is essentially the meaning of embodiment and wisdom - living what we know (through direct experience) to be true. Often times the depth of awareness comes from the journey of recognizing and reckoning with the moments we functioned from systems we didn't resonate with. The breaking down of these systems and the process of remembering who we are without them - eventually lends itself into acting on and moving through the world from that understanding. I was (as we all are to varying degrees) unconsciously programmed into many systems that I don't resonate with. I've dismantled many of them & deprogrammed my body of them - and now I see more clearly what is mine and what is not. This process to learn to truly see it for what it is has been one of the greatest gifts of my life.
I am the most me I've ever been in my whole life and this happened only through recognizing and releasing all that I've picked up that I'm not. I am my own muse as defined by me. I am an artist as defined by me. I am successful as defined by me. I am a teacher as defined by me. My definitions are based on me knowing my Self and embodying what I know through my life. My life is an extension of who and what I understand my Self to be. Because I will always be seeking to know my Self on deeper levels - my life will continue to widen and expand in correlation to my understanding of my Self. I'm excited for the widening and rippling out of my soul. I'm excited that who I know my Self to be and what has been externalized (relationships, "job", health, etc) are mostly in alignment. My internal and external mirror each other. I'm looking forward to how this non-linear remembering and reclaiming plays itself out through me so I can live into even more of me than I have understanding of currently. Here's to truth, embodiment, authenticity, understanding... and most importantly the grace and kindness that is cultivated with ourselves to get there. Thankful for the journey of remembering. Thankful for it all.
Thank you for your embodiment,
With love,
Bree (:
*I share what I've come to know to be true through me in hopes that it's useful in some way. As always, take what resonates and leave what doesn't. (: