What Matters- A High Vision I Won't Sacrifice
Oh hey there phenomenal being of light and consciousness in human form!
Greetings from the hi desert. I snuck away for 3 days of silence and was in the middle of my spirit offerings under a big yucca when this came through, so here we are. Thank you for being and for taking time to read this contemplation. I hope it serves in some small way.
At this point in my life, I'm only interested in standing behind what matters to me on the deepest level. I've spent enough time taking in feedback from others who are not in alignment with their soul and years living by outdated models of being that don't prioritize truth. To continue on the old way would be to disrespect my Self, my lived experience, and as extension of that disrespect life. I'm done with outdated templates built on shaky foundations that don't honor human connection, freedom, love, and truth at the root - the things that matter the most to me.
I'm not interested in diluting truth to appease others, I'm interested in amplifying it to create sustainable change. I'm not interested what strokes my ego and or puts me on a pedestal, I'm interested in the empowerment of all so we can teach each other through our unique lived experience. I'm not interested in praise or approval, I'm interested in collective and evolutionary shifts in human consciousness. I'm not interested in models of unsustainable expansion at the expense of the Soul, I'm into organic growth that honors life. I'm not interested in speaking to the masses, I'm interested in the ripple effect that the depth of true connection, understanding, and intimacy brings. I'm not interested in convincing others of what I know to be true, I'm interested in everyone owning and living into their own truth. I'm not interested in popularity or millions of followers on instagram, I'm interested in breaking down false idolization and the egoic power paradigms that feed into an idea that some are more important than others. I'm not interested in stealing peoples attention through shallow means, I'm into awake humans who are aware of where they put their attention and can direct it where it's needed the most. I'm not interested in pretending life is linear, I'm into honoring the spherical, the spiral, and dimensionality of it all. I'm not interested in doing more, I'm into right intentional effort on behalf of what I value. I'm not interested in being performative with my strengths, I’m interested in kindly caring for my weaknesses so I can hold the space of compassion for others struggling with their own. I'm not interested in speeding up, I'm interested in slowing down to ask where I'm going, why, and what this is all for.
I'm not attached to the form I speak to this all in, just so long as I'm speaking to it. It's my belief that we all have different access points to share truth based on what is inherent within us. My initial access point was movement and the physical body, although it's shifting now. I've always attempted, sometimes not so gracefully, to speak to the heart of what I have realized thus far. If I don't, it seems meaningless and I don't see the point of it all. I don't need validation or recognition anymore, but my soul does need to be around others committed to doing the deeper work to move the whole thing forward so we can amplify that for each other. I'm interested in the necessary evolution that happens as an attunement to the nature of change. I don't need to make a big splash, I'm into the ripple effect that stems from true presence in a moment. The truth substantiates and takes deep roots, it isn't shallow, rot, or see through. I'm into stable foundations built on honoring life that have real good roots - roots that won't rot.
Since I'm coming from a place of privilege and have been fortunate enough to have access to the tools, resources, time, and practices that are present in my life currently, it really isn't even an option to do or not do the deeper work, internally and externally. If I can, I must. This, for me, is a matter of personal responsibility - do the work, break down the outdated models running within my being, hold the vision, and don't sacrifice it out of need for personal comfort. I'm not interested in comfort at the expense of truth. I'm untangling the false systems that are at play within me on behalf of a higher vision where the work I'm here to share won't be running through a distorted filter. I see this as a necessity in order to honor humanity at the deepest level. I still have a lot to learn on this, but I'm committed to learning it.
I'm sharing this because it's the truth as I have come to know it, right now. I have been empowered to share by others who have shown me how through their courage to stand behind what matters and their own embodiment of truth. Even if I don't find ever find "success" as defined by this society, I will have stood behind what I value and will know that I have done my very best to show up 100% each day from a place of integrity. This is how I commit to moving forward, this is the only way I really can move forward. One of the main aims of yoga is "moksha" or liberation/freedom. I have come to understand this, thus far, to mean - I'm not free, you're not free till we're all free. As I have found more personal freedom and sovereignty - the need to show up in a greater capacity (even if it's small baby steps) for the collective is more apparent. I am still breaking down the fear that I will be rejected for speaking what I know to be true or for honoring evolution - that people won't like me anymore if I touch on things that are more nuanced or challenging - but this seems to be my trajectory, so best not to fight it. I trust that it will be received by who it's meant for.
No movement or way is too small - it all matters. I can either ignore this or do my best to show up for it in the ways that I can, to the best of my ability, in the moment. Right now, for me, that's helping break down the systems that run through the body as a result of existing in models that don't value life. When we are in our bodies, we are more present - when we are more present we are more conscious of how this whole thing is going down, what we value, and how to reattune to that. When we are more conscious of what matters to us, we are more willing to show up for it, support it, and birth it into being through our own embodiment and actions. When I am really truly present, there are certain things I just will not stand for. When I am truly present, I become my unique version of a warrior for the human spirit. This is where the practice is at for me, I still have so much to learn but I am grateful that I feel clear as to why it all matters so much to me now. This, to me, is the essence and the heart of the practice.
I speak from my life experience and am still fumbling in my journey to learn more and articulate things that are a bit more complex and layered. I see this life thing always as just being a human trying to connect with others on the level of truth. I think we all have this capacity to grow, to teach other, and share from our vulnerable honest hearts. I don't see any of us as more special or important - we all have different life experiences and have learned things from it that would be useful to others. We all have something to offer, to share, to give.This is an attempt to share a bit of my human experience with the faith that it will all be cyclical and that someone else might feel inspired to do the same. I am grateful to those that have inspired me in that way to be at the place where I can share this now. This is the kind of world I would like to be part of. Maybe it just starts with the moment, remembering and acting in the small ways on a higher vision for humanity.
I am grateful to learn from you , thank you for teaching me as a fumble forward, some days a bit more gracefully than others. Being in community with you all is one of the greatest gifts of my life. Thank you for, without knowing it, getting me to show up to the practice and my Self to a depth I could’ve never imagined so that I could still stand behind teaching it, so I could still stand behind truth. I've learned so much from you all and wouldn't be able to be typing these words if I hadn't had the support of community. We can't do it without each other. Thank you for you always.