Recalibration: A New Set Point
Hello beautiful community,
We are what we practice moment to moment. We build and create from the origin point we are investing in right now. As the energy has shifted over the past month, the physical system is arriving at a new foundational set point that is more sustainable. At first this recalibration might feel alarming - "nothing's working the way it used to, why does it feel so different? what do I do with this feeling?". Anytime we've had a clearing, a life transition, or a part of us has become more conscious - the way we are moving through the world must adapt accordingly. The mind will try to navigate this unknown and recalibration by making it a known and "figuring it out" in hopes to make us feel safe. The safest space to inhabit is ultimately the present moment, but in order to fully arrive, we often have to humbly let go of "what it was" in order to give rise to "where it's going."
After experiencing a huge energetic shift and release the past month, the physical realm is taking time to catch up. I realized I had been creating from a faulty foundational model for my business that still had the "doing" /3rd chakra masculine/patriarchal force behind it. I was outputting more than inputting, I was creating at a pace that wasn't sustainable for my body. I was holding so much space, but neglecting the space I needed to be held in. Part of the reason I wanted to create PROCESS STUDIO was to break down the old - the conditioning of Western society and models of "output", egoic power paradigms, and models that were based on quantity rather than quality or depth. Part of the reason I wanted to create this space, was seeing if I could develop a new model based on truth, integrity, intimacy, conscious relating, and a relearning of what it means to be a part of community.
Sometimes in order to keep going, we have to stop and recalibrate on where we are moving from. This feels especially true if we are playing the long game of heartfelt vision. To stay in intimate dialogue with Self through all facets of creation, while never losing the "why" throughout - is a worthy but extremely humbling aim. PROCESS STUDIO is a grand lesson in its' unfolding. It's showing me the nature of organic time, healthy relationship, and how to not force agenda that strays from its' original divine seed. I am in a forced slow down that is showing me fortification of resolve. I am in recalibration that is teaching me how to rest, surrender, and most importantly how to receive.
PROCESS STUDIO is unfolding my own healing journey in a way that I could have never imagined. Learning how to receive, for me, is still the grand mystery but my greatest curriculum in this life. There are some things in life that feel basic to some but a foreign language to others. If we are willing, life shows us how to be multi-lingual in the art of being. It shows us how to speak fluently in ways that we never witnessed, saw modeled, or experienced - this way we get learn how to embody all the facets of existence. We get the full experience of being a human when we admit that we are not so well versed in certain areas but that we are teachable. We get the full experience of being human when we are always eager to learn the lesson presenting itself, sometimes always unpredictably, in the now.
What I'm realizing creates the most stress on my body is resistance to what is. "I want to be going faster", "It's not going the way I expected", "Why isn't it working the way I planned it to work?" The student of life surrenders to the process with full-hearted willingness. My body is tired - this must mean I am doing too much and need to rest. I need support - this must mean I need to learn how to ask for it and allow it. I don't know what to do or how to proceed - this must mean I need to soften, listen, and cultivate patience until life presents the next step.
The collective consciousness functions primarily from distorted forms of the lower three chakras which are very primal in their nature- survival, sex/money, and power. If the source of what I am creating is coming from the spirit, the heart, and connection to my own intuition - my journey of fortification will happen there. It will require shedding false imprints/conditioning around origin points that I don't resonate with. It will require opening/clearing what lies stagnant in the heart. It will require building a deeper trust with my intuition/source and staying connected to that. If I declare the intent from where I wish to be creating from - life will hold me to it as it has over the past few months.
I would like to be able to perceive all of this as rewarding but it is challenging when that is not always mirrored back by the society I am a part of. I am here to continue to affirm that it is indeed part of the organic cycle of it all, part of the healing process of creating a healing "business". I am learning so much about how to receive, conscious relating, and being supported by the community that I am supporting - this is a many lifetimes lesson for me, for which I am grateful. I am in awe that what I am building to heal is ultimately healing me. Even if the "pacing" feels like molasses or I am constantly confronted with Self and integrity every step of the way - what I've witnessed being cultivated within my Self and in the space has already made it all worth it.
I am in a slowing down and recalibration moment which always happens before I'm about to birth something new. I am working to give my Self permission to hold this spaciousness without guilt or pressure to externalize from a false origin point. I am clearing and fortifying my heart, throat, third eye, and crown to move from a space of higher resolve that will be infused in the consciousness of what I create.
I'm sharing all of this in hopes that it gives permission to anyone who feels the same. Maybe you're in a space of uncertainty or new ground that requires a new way of being. Maybe you just don't know what or how to move because you're supposed to be the creator of something new. Maybe it's just reassurance in some way that we are all human and that everything organic and honest takes time in its cultivation and ripening. It is revolutionary to honor the journey of what is. It is revolutionary to not contort life into forms of distortion that lose the sacredness of truth. Thank you for your willingness to honor life as it is it.
Sending so much love to you on journey,