Embodiment is Radical
Hello beautiful community,
Sending you all the fortitude, joy, courage, and tenacity as we integrate the new energy of Spring. Although nebulous, airy, flighty, and spirally at time - I have faith in the fortitude of the practice to provide a solid ground for the Self to step forward in its' allness and its' muchness. May we remember that being who we are is an act of love and that actualizing who we are is radical. Take care of the Self that's just trying to figure out how to navigate it all.
Sending whatever it is that would best serve your now & of course love, in its' truest form, your way
At this point being embodied is a revolutionary act.Radical embodiment is the future. Embodiment is not theoretical. Direct experience is the great teacher. We are in human vessels to actualize and materialize. Ideas are weightless until we give them weight by living them through our lives. We become the idea, the theory, the great metaphor that initially was just a seed. This is gift. It also is a process of learning that requires a deep enough connection to the original seed to see it all the way through.It takes a lot of energy to actualize so planting seeds that are lasting/impressionable to the soul is a necessity to see through the whole cycle of becoming. If we’re not here to be the living breathing vehicle of what we value and care about, what are we even doing?
Every idea, theory, or concept came from someone's embodiment of it. The resonance with any idea speaks to what wants to be called forward and moved within our being. Life is not conceptual, it is a breathing organism of a myriad of forces interacting with one another all in a moment. Every moment. Our speculation and percolation with ideas is an integrative process that is shifting energy within our being to be in order to be in a different state of consciousness so the energy can be materialize in a new way through us.
If we are only filled with ideas - there will be felt distance between the body and mind. How can we let our concepts conceptualize and create us? How can we move the spark of resonance through our whole human form? How can we embody it on every level to find the truest form of understanding? The discrepancy between what we know to be true and living that truth into form will be experienced as tension. What is alignment if not every part of the Self honoring and being breathed from truth?
Bringing something to fruition by processing it through the whole system takes time, but ultimate we learn and grow through the process. If we are outputting but not learning within that externalization, a part of the cycle is missing.
"If you go to work on your goals, your goals will work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end of building us." -Jim Rohn
It is by design that new information, insight, and intent is designed to form, reform, reorganize, and integrate through us. Ideas move energy, they shift the consciousness. The completion of this shift is in the in depth understanding experienced through embodiment. There is a beauty in being built by our full engagement and participation with what moves us. Maybe this is the lost art in the truth of "doing". What is the origin point of the doing? Why do? We've lost connection to a part of the cycle, we can reclaim it.
Of course, I understand the context of what it takes to move in this current societal landscape, but I do believe there is room to reclaim the excitement of exchanging and living into the new energy of now. Whether it's through a concept, a painting, the smell of a flower, the smile of a friend - how can we allow ourselves to fully experience the new imprint as part of what it means to be in a sensory human form that can? How can we let our action be informed by these small but potent moments that are all of life? Isn't this all we truly have?
The seed of the seed was from form actualizing itself. A gift that then we get to continue the cycle and actualize new energy through its' previous actualization. To my spirit this is hopeful and expansive. Whatever is inspiring you, whatever ignites you, whatever idea you just love and love - I hope you give yourself permission to let it permeate through your totality today. I hope the thrill of being changed by the seeds that are being planted is given permission. May the felt experience of exchanging energy with all that is seep all the way through you today in the form that is most resonant. Embodiment is what it means to be human, so let's be human.
See you soon & take care,