Self. Each Other. Planet.
Good afternoon friends,
I woke up this morning and my spirit wanted to ride away on a dolphin, but it's a Wednesday and I'm still in a body so here we are. This planet's got a lot going on right now (an understatement) and if your sensitized and awake for it, I'm sure you feel it. Right there with you and sending you so much love on your journey, in your process, and in the fluctuations of it all. Thank you for showing up in any way to meet the moment. I love you,
When I created my first program, the mantra that kept coming through was "personal evolution leads to planetary evolution". I still repeat and attempt to live by that each day. Yes, I need my self awareness for my life, but the planet needs my self awareness too. If I have the access to the tools and resources to remain conscious or become more conscious than I must. For me, when I choose to turn a blind eye to points of tension (however they are presenting) what I'm really turning a a blind eye to is the evolution of the planet, expressed through me, that wants and needs to grow. The relationship I have with my discomfort and my willingness to move through it, is the relationship I have with understanding and being able to hold the discomfort for the world around me. I cannot say that I understand, on any level, the discomfort or tension of the world if I am not willing to be with my own.
Moving through our own "wounds", conditioning, difficult emotions, etc is the template from which we learn how to help the planet evolve. Evolution is an extension of our own embodiment, it's not a concept. Evolution includes the Self as the origin point of understanding what that even is or means. My bandwidth for space holding, nervous system regulation, and capacity to hold the darkest regions of my own soul is the foundation for PROCESS STUDIO and the spaces that I hold for others to do the same. I am currently trying to build my nervous system to be able to hold more space in less controlled/curated settings for the future. I still have a lot of work to do on this - but I am currently working on it.
Personal evolution leads to planetary evolution. When I evolve, it shifts how I engage with everything around me and how everything around me engages with me. From seeing this happen each time I grow, I can feel, without a doubt, that I am connected to collective. This is a felt sense and direct experience thing - not an idea thing. When I am nurturing with my Self in the depths of my sadness, I am simultaneously building the space to hold another in theirs. When I ask for support or seek out/implement the resources to facilitate my evolution - I become a tool, resource, and support for collective evolution through my own embodiment.
I am absolutely aware that not everyone has access to the forms of support that they need to move through points of tension. That is also why I am writing this... If we do have access, then we must move through and acknowledge discomfort - however it's presenting in the moment. The collective needs our self-awareness and presence. There are so many spaces and places that need our care - whether that's our family, friends, community, or beyond. There are so many places that need our presence and care. Choosing to remain unconscious is choosing to ignore the planet and world that we are intimately a part of.
One of my teachers talks about the three stages of belonging. Belonging to Self. Belonging to each other. And belonging to this planet. When we claim and take responsibility for our Self, we are opening up the gateway to each other and the planet. In my opinion, it's beautiful that it works this way. The true growth we seek in our own lives will automatically benefit the all that we are a part of. The intimate connection to our own system will show us where the external systems have disrupted truth. Dialogue with our own soul is the key back to the soul of the world.
What I long for, even if I'm not always conscious of it, is to remember and know within my own being these three stages of belonging. Self. Each Other. Planet. My yearning and willingness to grow, experience more life, and freedom - links me to everything around me. Personal evolution leads to planetary evolution. Belonging is remembering, through embodiment, all that you are and all that you are apart of. This is not an idea, but a feeling. Not a concept, but an experiential knowing.
I am learning that there is great joy in seeing how my life grows as I grow. I am feeling a sense of belonging that I've been yearning for since I can remember. I am grateful it works like this, Although it's sometimes challenging to confront my own shadows or to be with the desire to be free from all that I have yet to learn to be with and grow from, I am grateful it works like this. My willingness to be with it all and prioritize evolution over comfort is the gateway back to belonging. Belonging is remembering, through embodiment, all that you are and all that you are a part of. I promise I will continue to move through all the dark dense places, so I can continue to be more present because my friends, family, community, and life deserve that from me. I deserve that from me. I am grateful to belong and play my part in what that means, to the best of my ability, at this moment in time. I still have so much to learn. I am working on embodying belonging to the planet a bit more fully, in my way, but I'm not exactly sure what that means for and through me just yet. I'll get back to you on that one, I'm still learning how to move that through me.
Thank you for your learning, growing, and evolving in the way that you are. Thank you for your patience as I continue to grow, learn, and evolve.
I love you all. Thank you for reading,