A clear signal
Hello lovely people,
I was in an intense portal of excavation and reprogramming last week.I am realizing how much I've built the capacity within my being to honor these moments and what they are asking of me when they arise. I am grateful for this willingness to see and hold my own depths - which has given me the ability to hold space in the ways that I do for others. I am reminded that when we meet another layer of ourselves, we are meeting another layer of humanity. I am grateful to know more of the layers that connect me and belong me to the world that I am a part of. I think for a minute, I was diluting a bit of myself in order to appease others or not seem "too intense", but the truth is this heart feels the depths of everything all of the time. I am learning to be grateful for this and be able to build the safety within my system to support how much I care. I am learning to embody and externalize that care. I am feeling called to step into deeper alignment with who I work with and why. As I fine tune the subtleties in my own alignment, I am passionate about holding space for others willing to show up and move through their own depths. I am inspired to work with those that want collective and evolutionary shifts not only in their own lives but in the world around them. I have walked through much of (there will always be more) my own dark underbelly and cavernous regions to be able to hold a lantern on the path for others willing to do the same. I don't have the answers, I don't think I ever will... But i have learned many resources, tools, and support systems along the way that have helped me traverse shadowy regions and the unknown that is all of life. The words below are a testament to how I plan on moving forward. I am realizing the clearer I am with my Self, even if sometimes it's "too intense" for others, the more I am drawing in what is actually resonate in relationships, circumstances, and the people that my work will serve the most. Thank you for reading.
My “work” is for the people that want to show up and do the “work”. It’s not an ego massage and I’m not trying to entertain. I’ve done the “work” to be able to hold space for it in the ways that I do. This is not a “better than” statement it is honoring the depths at which I’ve met my self/the discomfort I’ve moved through, the karma I’ve cleared, to be able to be in this state of embodiment. The “work” is a catalyst. It is confrontational. Confronting the Self eventually becomes continual every moment as an acceptance of just what is. this is how sustainable change is created. or we just stay in the same consciousness even if we dress it up differently.
The moment requires something more of you always because it is unknown and new - yes it is our job as a human to meet it and ourselves and in it, and in my opinion, it’s our collective responsibility. If whatever practice we are doing, we notice we are not shifting in our life at all - we might ask ourselves what we are really practicing. I’m really not into catering to comfort at all - that’s just not where I’m at. I am constantly working through my own discomfort/growing pains. I want to work with people that are here to honor life and continually evolve in it - which requires a deep amount of reckoning, willingness, and work with the Self. But the gift is - it frees you in the way, that even if we’re not conscious of it, is what we probably truly long for. Im not for everyone, my offerings are not for everyone, what & how I teach isn’t for everyone & that’s perfectly okay by me. I’m excited to send this clear signal out there so that who it’s for - it’s aligned on all fronts. I’m into alignment on the deepest and most profound level.
If it doesn’t have the felt sense and embodiment of truth and god, I don’t want it. with anyone or anything. those are my non-negotiable requirements because that is where I’ve been working my whole life to move from. This is what I wish to hold space for.
Thank you to this community. I know all of you show up in a myriad of ways that continuously inspires me to do the same. I am hopeful about what is to come, it is because of you and the willingness that I witness each day in this work that my heart is encouraged to hold a grander vision for humanity and keep going with it all. Thank you.
I am reminded of this quote by Arundhati Roy,
"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing."