Reclaim Spirit
Hello energy incarnated into human form,
Sending this with a full heart wishing you the vibrancy of Spring in your bones. I hope this reaches you with the embodied understanding that we are always supported through divine guidance (however we define that to be) and the nurturing energy of Mother Earth - the great transmuter. I am recognizing my Self to be of the Earth more and more these days, which has brought with it the understanding that I am also the great transmuter. What does this mean? I can move my own energy, I can alchemize, I can nurture, I can clear, I can send, I can create, I can destroy, I can compost etc etc... As I recognize myself as Earth - Earth has begun to reveal its' forces and power within me. I am allowing my Self to be moved and breathed by great nature ((thank you, thank you kind mother) I quite like it here.
Wishing you the reminder of your own power and a recognition of your own vastness - where and however this finds you - I hope have a moment of feeling your own magnitude.
Love you all,
Things started to happen at a certain point in my life that began to be unexplainable. Call it synchronicity or alignment, but Spirit has been steering my ship for some time now. I started to allow this in in small ways first and it's been the most consistent relationship in my life ever since. Spirit and I have been having an every lifetime love affair.
I've been hesitant in sharing my relationship with Spirit, even in these writings, because of where spirituality has gone - specifically in LA & the west - which is often anything but what I've come to realize it to be. My relationship with the divine has been cultivated in a many many years intimate dialogue that has turned into the golden thread that guides my becoming. What I know it to be had to be built over time in order for it to feel safe to start to trust and follow. It took years to break down the conditioning that made me feel like it unsafe to lean into the part of me that is actually most innate and instinctive. I see source as the through line that runs everything, my continual acknowledgment of it, gives permission to actualize itself through me for the highest possibility. I am not delusional in thinking that I am the one in charge of divine or cosmic orchestration - the universe is and has always been my "boss". I surrender to this because it has led me from the depths of depression to feeling the most my "Self" and the most aligned I've ever felt in my whole life. This has everything to do with listening to the breath that moves through me and building a commitment to that as the guiding principle I choose to live by.
I "pray" regularly to forces I don't have labels or words for. Sometimes I need something tangible - I pray to the earth - the grass beneath my feet. Sometimes I need a container for specific energies - I work with Kali Ma, the goddess of death and destruction, quite frequently. There's other times where I'm trying to accessing qualities, or aspects of consciousness, that my soul hasn't realized yet - I might travel to spaces or places that give permission to that or have the same energetic frequency I am looking to embody. Sometimes and always Great Spirit is my dog Mazzy licking my face reminding me that I might just be getting a bit too heady or serious about it all. The point being that it is all of it. It's the life of life. My relationship with spirit/source/great creator/divine is and will always be the greatest love of my life.
This relationship shifts how I experience my entire reality. Every moment, person, object, space, place becomes the vehicle that spirit is communicating to and through. I am being communicated to and I am being communicated through. I hold each moment as divine vulnerability teaching me in its' openness, leading me, and, on my resistant days, dragging me along. There's a delicate dance that spirt is teaching me lately of "surrender, soften, receive... but also recognize the truth of who and what you are" always. I am so grateful. I feel most held by the unknown forces that remind me that I am everything.
I am trying to get to the point that whether we see spirit as the wind, the person in front of us, or our higher self - restoring and repairing our relationship with the all that we are a part of is an essential element to being in human form. We do not have to go through a specific discipline to realize this (we could if we wanted to), but we could simply stare into the eyes of another and begin to restore the sacredness of spirit as we define it to be.
In my women's group last month, we did two minutes of staring into another women's eyes while sending and receiving blessings to them. The group responded on how powerful and also challenging it was - it was just two minutes. Recognizing god (truth, call it what you will) can happen in a second. All we have are these precious moments. Why do they matter? What matters? I see "god" in and as everyone and everything - when I forget this, nothing makes sense anymore. Why move? Why do anything if we forgot who we are or all that we are a part of in the process?
I am being moved and breathed every moment by spirit speaking. I am spirit speaking. By developing my own relationship for what that means and how I want that to guide my life - I have been able to integrate many of my former fragments and call them home to me. I've been able to retrieve much (there's still so much more!) of my Soul. Great creator has been the primary teacher of my life. I like to study from the source of the source.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes calls it the "rio abajo rio" - the river beneath the river - I perceive this to mean the river that runs through it all. My "goal" for this lifetime, if someone demanded me to have one, is to see and perceive that every moment. To clear whatever is getting in the way of witnessing and experiencing with all of me, the miracle that is everything. That's really where I plan on putting my attention, care, and energy for the rest of time. To me, that's all that really matters. This simple moment is an act of divine and cosmic orchestration, I don't want to miss it. Thank you to the "all that is" for showing revealing your self to and through me, I will always be grateful. I have attempted to become a humble student of your ways, I will always continue to on in my attempt. This relationship, the greatest relationship, has changed the course of my life. "Great creator, earth, god, source, higher self, etc etc etc" - thank you till the end of time. Forevermore.
Journal Prompts:
What is my relationship with Spirit/Source/Divine/Higher Self/Higher Consciousness?
Do I acknowledge and move with the understanding that I am and am part of something greater? Why? Why not?
What current conditioning/beliefs/thought forms block me from communicating or connecting to source?
Are there any judgments/associations I have around "spirituality" that may be blocking me from developing my own relationship with it?
Spirit to me means... What is my definition of spirit?
I would like my relationship with spirit to feel like? Why might it be useful or meaningful for me to build this relationship?
(The word "spirit" is meant to be used interchangeable for any word logo that resonates with your being. I know we all have different associations with everything, including words - use what resonates and moves energy in a way that's nourishing for you).
Wishing you so many moments of connection and remembering of what we are all a part of. It's such a wild and beautiful journey - this life that moves through. May we recognize the river beneath the river, the breath that breathes us and move from what moves us always and always.
Thank you for reading.