Surfing the Unknown
Hi there beautiful spirit,
It's been a minute. So much is breaking down, shifting, and transforming for me right now. Every time I've tried to write, I have found that my pieces have not yet rearranged themselves in a way that makes much sense. Much of what I'm experiencing is preverbal, this message is an attempt to share some things for anyone else that is also in the thick of transition and change in its' fullness. You are not alone, you are not crazy, it is a collective shift that we are feeling individually as well. I am grateful to be with you on this unpredictable journey.
Attune to the unknown or get calcified and compacted in resistance to change. Expand or numb the signals that are asking us to honor the organic cycle of life. The truth has always been not knowing. The truth has always been that change is the only constant. There are moments in life that put that to the test - do I stay the same for comfort's sake or do I step into the abyss and allow life to have its' way with me? My mind is resistant to change, but my spirit lives and longs for it.
Some days I'm leaping with arms wide open, other days I'm grasping for some semblance of solid ground. On the days I'm grasping I'm reminded that the source of it all is not something outside of me. That the shifting is actually something I have woven with my own hands and that this moment is its' culmination. I've been practicing and building toward this. As uncomfortable as it is, this is actually the moment I've been waiting for. The moment where I get to step in the physical embodiment of the change. I leap knowing that I am the one who will always catch me - my relationship with my Self is the solid group. I can say now that I really do trust my Self. This trust has been built over years and years. The trust with Self that allows for the organic evolution of it all.
In the rearview mirror so many pivotal moments in my life were the result of a dive into the unknown. Any bold step forward has demanded a new level of meeting my Self which can't help but shift the physical reality. I want the external change but I also desire the internal shift that helps me sustain it. As uncomfortable as the releasing and ambiguity of it all is - this is actually what I've been asking for all along. Every day I journal about attuning to the highest possibility and to develop the capacity to do so. Life responds in the dynamics and ways of being that need to be shed or worked through in order for that to be the case. This is actually the necessary pathway forward for what is in my deepest alignment - it's all par for the course. It's always been all par for the course.
A full hearted yes to life means we are saying yes to the journey of becoming. The birth and blossom is so beautiful, the shedding and death is also. When we shift our relationship to life and Self to allow for the organic cycle, we meet life as it was designed to be. The growth I long to experience must have space to come to fruition. That space often comes from deep release of the echoes of an old Self. The false security of living in a state of stasis brings our soul to a halt. We may feign confusion to the dissatisfaction we feel which is often times a denial of the discomfort that is very apparent. This discomfort is showing us where we can be birthed anew, this discomfort is showing us where there is more life to be found.
This time has forced me to be more comfortable with discomfort. This season has shown me how to release attachment and surrender more deeply to the unknown than I ever have. This moment is bringing forth the part of me that is so grateful that life isn't just one thing, one way of being, or something to be figured out. I have no desire to figure it out anymore, I have every desire to experience more deeply the whole scope of it all. I am so grateful for this life journey and the sensitivity that allows my being to mirror it all. I am here for life in its entirety and how freakin beautiful, crazy, wild, challenging, and all the things that it is.
I love you all. Wishing you so much grace with Self during this time of great change.
Where in my life am I grasping, clinging, or holding on too tightly?
What is my relationship with letting go?
What am I being asked to acknowledge currently?
How do the above responses relate to the next season of my becoming?
You are the Universe: Discover your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters by Deepak Chopra
“I feel this pang inside – Is it my soul trying to break out, Or the world’s soul trying to break in? My mind trembles with the shimmering leaves. My heart sings with the touch of sunlight. My life is glad to be floating with all things Into the blue of space and the dark of time.” - Deepak Chopra
"I move as a servant of the one breathing through me. There is not another of of you in the entire Omniverse." -Julie Platt
Your Purpose is Who You Are with Julie Platt
(I recommend skipping to 15mins in when the interview actually starts lol)
My current personal practice changes depending on the season of the year/season of my becoming. Here is what has been most supportive for me lately:
Herb Recommendations: Elderflower/Elderberry tea/tincture to support immune system. Elderflower's spiritual/energetic properties are tethered to death/resurrection/rebirth. Plant allies help us tap into the energy of what is being asked of us in the moment.
For me there is a quite a bit of emotional energy moving right now so finding ways to regular clear/process it is essential. I've been using active breathwork (3 part breath) & kapalabhati/bhastrika to move some of the density.
Tapping into the energy of fall:
Fall is the season of shedding, letting go, and starting to slow down/go inward in preparation for winter. Finding ways to tap into the seasonal energy (nature, getting to bed earlier, seasonal foods, etc) helps me give permission to the cycles of change as they are expressing themselves through me.
Ritualize/make it sacred:
I have specific rituals that honor my releasing of the old Self and the becoming of the new. Some of these are journaling, fire burning (purification) water rituals, offerings to nature. It's important to develop our own relationship to what makes something meaningful to us. Exploring with any of the above or something of your own creation to develop the connection to the sacredness of your human journey.
Prayer/connection to something higher:
I know this can be activating for some. Call it divine, source, higher consciousness, higher self, higher wisdom - the connection to something beyond me is what fortifies my hope for the journey. I connect to source throughout the day to remind me that I am part of something greater which gives perspective to the path ahead.
Women's Embodiment
Joshua Tree
March 20-22nd, 2023
Email for more info or to sign up!
Private Sessions
Breathwork is a somatic tool to process stuck emotional energy that gets lodged in the body. Working privately offers the safe container to discuss, give permission to, and release any residual points of emotional tension. If you're interested in booking a session, you can do so here.
I am currently birthing a new healing space into being. PROCESS STUDIO. I am looking for a live/work/create space in Frogtown, Arts District, or Lincoln Heights that will be the space in which I hold small group work.
Throughout the past year I have been holding intimate sacred containers (usually 6-8 people) for deeper processing work. This space/new phase of my life is asking that I show up & facilitate more and more of the work which speaks to the depths, excavation, and breaking down of the false. PROCESS STUDIO has been on my heart for the longest time and I am so excited to birth it to life. I can feel its' heartbeat stemming from the truth of my being.
If you happen to be connected to or hear of any spaces that seem like they might be in alignment for small group work (and me!). - please send them my way. Thank you so very much.