Deeper Sense of Spaciousness

I'm not afraid of the woman I am anymore

Wildly untamed,

I am a woman who recognizes herself



We are meant to be a bit feral, undomesticated, and instinctive in our nature. The more we tune into the organic flow of our beings and the truth of who we are, the more following systems that are not of our own making becomes less appealing.

Who said I have to show up this way? Who said this is how a woman is supposed to be? Who said I can't be an artist, teacher, hermit, priestess, writer, etc etc all in one lifetime? All in one moment? Who said I need to identify as anything at all? We can call out the ways in which we have been shaped and contained by the world around us, yet somehow we don't free ourselves in the small ways - once we know we can. Why is this? In a moment where I have nothing to do, I am searching for something to do rather than softening into the vastness of all that is. In a moment where I can create anything at all, I'm reaching for someone to tell me what to do. My mind has been trained into containment, but my spirit is demanding greater wildness. So... I let spirit speak. Mind resists, spirit persists. Mind resists, spirit persists.

Because freedom and authenticity is one of my primary focal points in this lifetime, I have a strong aversion to anything or anyone that tries to contain my spirit. Isn't the physical body already containment enough? That being said, I often find that I am still the one containing myself. The aim of yoga is "moksha" or liberation. The aim of identifying and breaking down conditioning, is so that we no longer have to live by what was never our own to begin with. So why am I still following orders that feel like echos from a society that's forgotten itself? I know who I am, it's time to allow for the recognition. In a society that's forgotten itself, embodying who and all that we are is activism. We are meant to recognize and actualize ourselves. We are meant to show up boldly in or remembering. It's time.

When gaining more freedom from where I used to contract, I am needing to build a deeper capacity to be with spaciousness and the unknown. Empty space is a sacred gift because it is the closest thing to truth. Building a tolerance and eventually learning to be with Self in the nothingness brings intimacy with the everythingness. My main work is to embody this understanding currently. This is what I have been doing or shall I say nondoing.

So that's where I've been and where I'm at - nowhere and everywhere, learning how to be with the Self in a deeper bandwidth. Learning how to embrace the freedom I've worked for a long time to create. I wish to be a space holder that knows how to hold and meet Self in spaciousness. My goal is to get to the point where silence and stillness is welcomed as the most freeing and most safe experience - where the soul settles in the truth of what is. My goal is to get to the point where I can allow my Self to be the joyfully, wildly untamed and undomesticated woman that I am. Because I am and have always been her.

I share in this way to normalize an expression of the human journey. Unfiltered and honest with many twists, turns, recognitions, pivots, and lots of long sighs along the way. I hope these ramblings give permission in some way to honor the journey and the courageous spirit that is your own, that shows up... continually day in, day out trying to navigate it all.

Sending waves of softening into greater freedom and truth of the spirit,

Sending moments of ease and recognition of Self in the empty space,

I love you all,




I have been working with many of my private clients over the past several months on navigating transitional moments in their lives. The subconscious reprogramming, breathwork, and somatic private sessions have been instrumental in moving through the individual and collective changing landscapes. I have been wanting to offer a sacred container of support for those moving through an intense cycle or pivot at this moment in their lives. When we are shifting, growing, evolving, releasing, stepping into - what often needs to come forward is a. new level of stability and support systems to help us navigate it all. This might be for you if you need some structure, to build a new foundational set point, are feeling "stuck" at a point in the cycle, or are looking for a safe container to process what is coming up in your current growth stage.

This month long container will include:

-Discussion & teachings on the nature of change and honoring where you are at in the cycle of it currently

-Weekly Breathwork Sessions to process through the body

-Bi-Weekly Hypnosis, Integration, and Somatic practices session

-Weekly emails with tools, resources, and practices

-Support & answers to any questions or things that come up throughout

I will only be working with four individuals in this offering. If you need a supportive system/structure to navigate the complexities of life right now - I would love to work with you as you move through it all. Option to begin in June or July.

Send to this email for more details. (:




Recalibration: A New Set Point