Divine Mirrors- Interpreting the maps of the Universe

Hello there,

It's been a minute, how's your heart? I know I always ask that question, but it's only because I ask it to my Self daily. The question itself brings a softness to the evolutionary journey that, for me, is often very needed. 


It is very practical to be mystical. To understand that the Universe is self correcting and self organizing allows us to read it like a map, that is, if we know how to decipher it. What helps in interpreting the language of the Universe is presence. When we are fully conscious and aware of what's going on around us, what we're allowing in, and the dynamics that are at play within all of that - we start to understand that we are co-creating with the universe. Everything showing up mirrors our internal landscape. If there is distortion, dysfunction, imbalances, and dissonance that is unresolved within our being - everything externally that we create and are surrounded by will mirror that. The external reflects the internal, it's also a nice reminder/opportunity to find more coherent alignment if what we're seeing externally doesn't feel like truth to us. Thanks for the consistent reminders universe (lol!) This is why as we "heal" or "realign", our external world becomes clear and more in tune with our soul - because we are more in tune with our soul. Also as we reattune to our true nature, any dissonance becomes more apparent because more of us is actually in tune than not. This is why if we're feeling unresolved tension everywhere, it becomes a bit confusing on where to begin. But as we begin to clarify our inner landscape, specific lingering tension points/dynamics become more apparent and easier to intentionally start to direct energy/focus to clarify them. 

If we are striving for alignment and co-creation we can start to see everything that is presenting itself as happening for us rather than to us. We can ask,

"What is this trying to teach me about my Self?"

"What am I supposed to be learning from this?"

"Why might this be appearing for me at this time in life?

"What does it say about what's going on internally within me?"

"What's being ask to be released?"

"What's being asked to be called forward?" 

Since I have become more aware of my Self, soul, and my own alignment (always a work in progress)  - I know that everything that is being presented to me is a divine mirror. If I get a lesson in the form of a relationship, dynamic, circumstance, opportunity, etc - I try to learn the lesson and grow the first time around. Otherwise, as Maryam Hasnaa calls it, we get the "paper doll" situation - the same lesson in variety of circumstances until we get the hint and actually shift our way of being. This is not a "punishment" but an opportunity, because what is in our highest is often what is also most fulfilling for us as well. Divine alignment is the most rewarding thing, in my opinion, but often it requires moving through discomfort to shed the known (which is usually not based on our own creation) for the unknown (which has the potential to be based on our co-creation with the divine intelligence of the universe). Yay!

The universe expresses itself through situational 3D circumstances. The universe is present in a person and in all moments. Often in relationships, as I've been navigating the complexity of this lately, I'll ask what the universe, as expressed through this individual, is trying to teach or show me. This helps me stay conscious in the interaction to hopefully evolve and show up fully for the dynamic while its showing up. I'm not interested in getting pulled into anyone or anything elses unconscious patterning, I'm interested in staying fully awake and coherent to evolve. Same thing goes with external circumstances - I always ask "Why is this showing up in my field?" - is this representative of the timeline I want to be traveling on or and old "timeline" that is based on a past Self. I learned the hard way, but I now only choose what's in service of the highest possibility/potential for my Self (as an extension of all).

I've been deep into Maryam's work and recently watched something where she stated her order of commitments:

  1. Commitment to the divine

  2. Commitment to Self

  3. Commitment to relationships

When I work and attune to this, it helps me be able to trust that's what is showing up is part of the a higher plan - to teach me, help me evolve, and to help me grow. When I slip into committing to things based on expectation, judgment, guilt, obligation, etc - I continue to get the "paper doll" scenario of repeat circumstances that are showing me how to move beyond the old way of being. The map of the Universe is here for us to use or not use. We can stay asleep and get the same repeat lessons over and over again or we can evolve. I always ask my Self, "Do I want to go back to sleep (same unconscious patterning) or do I want to stay awake and evolve?" Sometimes we jump off the evolution train for a bit and stagnate at a certain frequency, this serves as its' own lesson. I've done this before and the realization of how long I was static has now served to be the catalyst to never choosing to repeat that one again. Time isn't linear and sometime we can grow in one year more than we grew in a previous whole lifetime (if you believe in that kind of thing). It's all malleable. Eventually, I want to get to the place where I enjoy the evolution and understand that even though the climb is uncomfortable at moments, the view just keeps getting more and more beautiful. It also feels a bit more like a clear representation of how my heart has always seen and felt it all to be. 

Anywho, I'm rambling a bit (as I tend to do when I get excited) but I love you and wishing you a weekend of opening the book of the Universe to see what's here. An opportunity to grow, to experience reality differently, to find more aligned circumstances and dynamics, to gain access to a myriad of new exciting life experiences - it's all here. Wishing you whatever is in highest alignment!

See you soon!



*I share what I've come to know to be true through me in hopes that it's useful in some way. As always, take what resonates and leave what doesn't. (: 


Feminine Embodiment