Bree VanZutphen is a healer, teacher, creator, and artist. 

​​A dream vision I have is where we all witness and honor
each other's many parts and evolving pieces with complete awe.

Bree combines somatic and embodiment practices in all of her teachings and is passionate about addressing the physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual aspects of Self in everything she facilitates. The intention at the core of her teachings is to hold space for others to deprogram their bodies and their minds of conditioning from upbringing, society, and the collective consciousness that inhibits the unique soul expression of each individual. She values freedom, authenticity, truth, conscious choice, community, and connection to the Self & the divine above all else.

Through the depths of my own healing. I discovered that the journey from unconscious to conscious demands that we clear the density of what does not belong to us in order to reclaim the truth of who we are on a soul level. By integrating the aspects of Self we lost along the way we are able to merge mind, body, and spirit in our daily life. Life is a process of becoming more conscious that we get to be active participants in with how we inhabit our lives. When we heal individually, we are also healing collectively. Ultimately, life can be a joyous journey of continual growth and constant evolution that we get to partake in each and every moment.

"At this point being embodied is a revolutionary act. Radical embodiment is the future"

— Notes from Bree

Elements of the Work.

Shadow work
Understand, accept, and acknowledge your depths as the gateway to healing. 

Be willing to change and grow in order to evolve.

Live the alignment you have found through the process of healing.

Bring more of who you are into your life. 

Soul alignment
Externalize and create from the soul. 

Relational alchemy
Let this ripple outward to all interactions and the greater collective.


“Bree is an insightful and compassionate teacher and guide. She holds a safe space for others to explore core emotions on both the subconscious and physical levels. Bree really helped our group share space and relate to each other by leading with vulnerability and curiosity in all sessions. I felt like I met so many different versions of myself throughout this experience, and was able to safely and mindfully do so in a way that allowed me to grow a lot in a short period of time.”

-Malia E.

“This work is life-changing and it’s ripple effects have the potential to be world-changing––building toward a world where the emotional realm is acknowledged as a natural response to being human and emotions are welcomed and released as they arise. 

The process was deep and vulnerable in the truest sense and Bree’s incredible facilitation and space holding guided the container with so much warmth, wisdom, understanding, and humor. She is clearly doing exactly what she was born to do in this lifetime and I’m so grateful to be learning from the courageous work she’s done on her own journey.”

-Nico F.

“Bree is a wonderfully open and receptive human. She loves to explore and encourages others to go as far as they wish with their own exploration. How effortlessly everyone came together is a testament to Bree’s ability to create a space for authentic expression.”

-Shelby Collins

“To be in a safe container with a group of powerful and conscious individuals, and to be led by Bree's expansive love and kindness truly felt so freeing. Bree has an innate gift in how she cultivates spaces like these, for us to venture deeper into our interpersonal healing and processing. She truly emits love, safety, and compassion - and inspires us to do the same for ourselves, holding ourselves gently, as we move through our own pain, wounding, and learned programming.” 

-Anita F.

“In a way I find it difficult to summarize the impact of Bree’s teaching on my life. She is a woman that lives in the total embodiment of strength and curiosity. She is a woman that prioritizes movement and expression into alchemy.  She has helped me to reframe the culture of my darkest thoughts and showed me that to be a vessel of total embodiment means a kind yet active pursuit for truth. And the human application of those truths. In general working with Bree and her modalities have shifted my perspective on traditional therapy and approaches to mental health. It is without a doubt I say that her teachings have left my inner programming forever changed for the better. Allowing me to lead my life with less stress and more joy. I tell most people I meet of the impact she has made on me. Bree creates a safe space to explore our deepest discomforts, in her light she helps us feel less afraid.”

 -Isabella M.

“Bree has a unique capacity for holding space that feels intentional and genuine. It felt as though vulnerability and connection happened with ease as Bree guided us deep into our inner worlds and yet provided such a sense of safety that all experiences were not only welcomed but encouraged. My experience in this course was so far from spiritual white-washing or virtue signaling, this was some down-to-earth, gritty, grimey real, real of the feminine experience. 

What I left with was an incredible tool in my "mental health toolbox" that I know will evolve with me. I have tangible, integrative, and customizable tools or practices that can route me back towards the balance I need to start feeling fully myself once again. For me, while it can be important to understand the theory or concept behind my behavior, that alone will never take me very far. What Bree provided were concrete things to do, and ways to really make it your own, that can be applied based on any given season of your life unfolding. Thank you, Bree, as this will be material I know I will continue to revisit time and time again.”

-Cassie S.

“Healing work takes great courage and vulnerability to endeavor. Through this truth, I have found just how important it is to align yourself with a provider of a sacred space. Bree has not only helped me to meet myself in ways that felt frightening without the safety of support from another… but she has held so much space for processing and releasing all that comes forward. Her gift is her ability to be present with you in your own deepest vulnerability. Coming to terms with the effects of PTSD, anxiety and depression, my work with Bree has given way to so much desired transformation. I truly feel humbled, grounded and energized after each session.  She has helped me heal and build a new capacity of trust within this process. These practices are simple, yet so profound at their core; it is truly a gift to work with someone who recognizes that and wants to share their knowledge with you.”

-Frankie T.

 “The work she facilitates is an investment in one’s self. She curates a safe space, a lovely group of thoughtful and dedicated humans and sets the stage for a new chapter in life to emerge”

-Ashlee Brooke Gonzalez